24 August 2008

Jessie's first visit home

Gary wanted to see Jessie and I was concerned about her seeing us. We were going to go over to RSS and take Charlie with us, but Gary realized he had a meeting with his scouts this evening, so suggested that we pick her up after church - she is about 5 minutes from church. I called and they said this would be fine.
She seemed very happy to see us. A bit of a problem that she could not find her cards (a roommate had hidden them under Jessie's pillow -because she was afraid 'x' was going to tear them up). So I got the cards, we loaded in the truck and home we came. She kept screaming 'the quilt'!, the quilt! and we kept telling her that she was coming back and would be sleeping with the quilt.
Gary and Charlie and Jessie watched a movie while I zoned in bed, lovely rest, just never can get as far as sleep. It was time to go.
A couple of times when they were in the family room, she yelled 'I don't want to go back', but then didn't obsess about it or cry or anything. When the time actually came, she gave me and Charlie hugs said good bye and was off to her new friends with a smile on her face.


Val and Marceil said...

Sounds very good for a firt-time visit at home. Take it one day at a time.


Jodi said...

That sounds like it went great for the 1st time! I'm sure this is starting to tie everything together for her that she has 2 places she belongs and can expand her life. I'm sure it will just keep getting better! Jodi

Vicki said...

Wow! That is great. I don't think you could even hope for a better adjustment.

Kelli Hooker said...

Thanks for sharing. It sounds like a great 1st visit. I keep commenting but they don't show up. I'll get better at this I hope.


Jeff said...

This one makes me smile!!!