01 August 2008

Where Dreamcatchers (and my sanity) go to Die...

Here’s the thing … I just wanted my kids to have a good education and Travis High School seemed like the place. Never mind that Gary’s boss happened to be in the same ward we would be living in … a bit awkward, but not a disaster, right? Until he gets called as Bishop – so now Bishop and Boss – still fine, I just avoid him. Enter my calling: Enrichment Leader for Relief Society – I have been surviving. We have a high number of Enrichment Activities each month and I have not set fire to the church during any of the Enrichment Nights – so pretty good … for me.

Now, some lady donates a boatload of craft crap and we are supposed to have a Super Craft Saturday, and me? I am a ‘crafty’ wannabe but mainly clueless. Who is the Queen of Craft in the ward? Yeah, the Bishops wife – a wonderful lady I have also been trying to avoid since I can hear the conversation with her husband one evening: “Honey, did you know that Gary’s wife is batshit crazy?” (Ok, she would not say ‘batshit’, but what it is, is what it is …).

She is going over to the house full of the craft crap with me on Monday and I am a bit worried that after, we will come to my house to discuss the dozen or so craft projects that I had come up with and the supplies left needed to get. In my mind, this escalates to going into my craft room, which escalates to “holy crap, it's a mess", which escalates to me at Target today buying 6 large drawer sets, 3 small drawer sets and other spurious 'organizational doohickies' to clean up my craft closet and my craft room, which, actually, had me productive for one whole day this week (since I am sure anyone out there reading this does not count blogging as ‘being productive’ – I am still avoiding life with gusto).

So, when she has that conversation with her husband, it will NOW go: “Honey, did you know that Gary’s wife is batshit crazy? Although, she has a lovely craft room".


Val and Marceil said...

All I could think of was my "craft room, drawer, closet, sack etc." and it all disappeared when we moved to Arizona. Your room looks very nice.


Marci said...

As you might imagine we DO NOT have a craft room. Marci is anticrafty. She would get more enjoyment out of organizing your craft room. You are not crazy. Numerous studies have shown that you can't be into crafting and crazy. So I quess you know where that puts Marci?!?

Cherri said...

She will not think you are crazy, she will just be jealous of all your cool stuff and wonderful taste in collecting! Hang in there, and besides, who cares if you are crazy if you have fun being that way and don't hurt anyone else? We all have our area of craziness, and at least your craft area is now organized. Pity me, I have all of Steve's brothers and sisters at my home the day after we get back from Trek. After Pat, his sister, told me about his mom and what a cleaner she was, I'm almost glad she was gone before I dated Steve. How's that for crazy?

Jodi said...

Okay, LOVE THE CRAFT ROOM!! Can you come over and do mine? (Maybe an after August 19th-get my mind off of life and feel sorry for Jodi she is so pathetic in organizing/decorating!) I guess I've been around you too long to figure out the crazy thing (46 years?) If I recall, "batshit crazy" came from a brother that we all know and fear, still confused why the US government allows him in-and CONTROL a million $+ piece of equipment. Keep blogging. I may not have much time to get on and read or even get any done myself, but I love that you do! ie: Today- clean 4 cages with total of 61 monarch caterpillars, make 6 batches of cookies of various kinds, take Darin and his cousin Andrew to swimming lessons (who had a sleep over last night-watching Eragon til 1:00 this morning-which I had to stay up for because some parts were scary!), Clean my front windows while the scaffolding is still up (had to tear off the front of my house along with the sheet rock on the inside), get milk weed for the kids, finish laundry, mop kitchen floor, scrub toilets, weed the yard, harvest what's in the garden and put it in a wheelbarrow out front with a "FREE" sign (don't have time to preserve it), mail Ashley's book back (she wrote - hope it gets published, it's very good) prepare for my activity day with my pre-teen girls tomorrow (luckily their learning about caterpillars!)....blah, blah, blah...standard day. I'm feeling a bit guilty that Darin will be in ALL DAY SCHOOL this year. (I'm just a wee bit too excited).