29 August 2008

Jessie's Mom

Sitting in the dark last night, wondering why I can't sleep, get anything done and just stare at the walls, I thought: I'm "Jessie's Mom". I have been for some time. Doctors would ask, "Are you Jessie's mom?" and then tell me the news - good, bad, devastating, whatever. I would be at the store and people would ask "Are you Jessie's Mom?" - the answer was always yes. I was ALWAYS "Jessie's Mom" - there was no way to stop, no breaks, no reprieve.

I realize that being Jessie's Mom was a full time job. She would be up in the middle of the night often, wet and I would get her changed and back in bed - so I did not stop even at night. While she was at school I hurried to get all the things done that other people just did ... anytime - but when Jessie came home, things were different. I used to tell people when we were trying to schedule things that my life ended at exactly 2:15pm Mon - Fri. I had to be home to get Jessie off the bus, and then it was 'Jessie time'.

Obviously that is all gone now. She calls, daily - sometimes more than once and sounds good, but always asks if I can come and get her and bring her home. Sometimes it is very hard to tell her that is where she lives now and that I would see her soon. So small moments of "Jessie's Mom" and some of the hardest part of being "Jessie's Mom". But this is such a small part of my day it does not really count.

I realized at exactly 2:57am this morning that I had lost "Lori". Twenty years of being "Jessie's Mom" is a long time. The little parts that weren't "Jessie's Mom" I was "Ryan's Mom" and "Gary's Wife" I ran out of time ... for me.

So, I have a piece of paper in my wallet, small - like a Chinese fortune cookie fortune - saying: "Find Lori" - and it is my number one goal right now. After 20 years, I am assuming it might take some time, but I will get there.

I just have to figure out how to start.

1 comment:

Cherri said...

Lori is not lost, she has just been put in storage and only allowed out for brief moments - when you find that perfect container - make a craft, purchase the perfect Russian doll, etc. Your personality and dreams are still there - you just need to spend time exploring whether the dreams you had 20 years ago (the last time you looked at them) are still the same as they are now. So enjoy the process, and try not to obsess. (I know, I am telling the largest obsessor I know not to obsess!) Read the scriptures, pray, spend time exploring new dreams. It will come.