18 August 2008

Steve Monk Attorney-At-Law: Second Act

They said that the commitment hearing was just a quick formality - the paperwork just needed to be done ....

... they lied.

There were multiple hearings / cases (?) on the docket so an audience full of people (picture Night Court ... but without the hookers). My hearing was third, after two probate hearings that took exactly a minute and a half each. I was thinking this was going to be cake. The ADA (assistant district attorney) said he would ask Vicki (from Texana) a few questions then ask me a couple and that would be it.

We were sworn in and then the ADA made an initial statement with 3 documents he asked to be admitted into evidence. My first clue things might be a wee bit more than 'just a formality' was when Steve Monk Attorney-At-Law for Jessie objected to one item. Seriously thought the dude was just a place holder. The judge let it in. My second clue was when on cross examination of Vicki Vacek, he asked her if she had seen any of the 'alleged violence' towards me (one of the reasons for Jessie going to Richmond State School) ... of course she said 'no' since I had not thought to drive right over to her office while bleeding so she could see.

True to his word, the ADA asked me a couple of questions. No one had mentioned that I would be cross examined - I guess I should have known, but you know me: stupid, stupid, stupid.

I was good, I answered every one of his 50 or so questions truthfully and with no emotion, just the facts. He seemed to think she would be better off at home or waiting for a group home to come around, or was just doing the shitty stuff lawyers do on cross. Like this was easy for me - committing my child to Richmond State School - lets just dick with the mom's head for fun. Ok, maybe due diligence for his client (Jessica) but what he thought was in her best interest was not in her best interest and maybe since he had seen her for, oh, I don't know - 10 minutes tops - he would not be the best judge of what would be good for Jessie and what would not be. So I am back with him just wanting to dick with my head or entertain himself on an otherwise boring afternoon....

The judge granted the commitment.

I am sure everyone else in the audience wondered why, after I had turned away from the judge and lawyers and walked from the room - was I crying? I won after all ... didn't I?


Val and Marceil said...

Sounds like when lawyers get to be judges they get smarter.


Jodi said...

You know me, I'd just like to get the "dickheads" name and phone # and see what the he@!#%* he thinks he's accomplishing. Too bad he gets paid for this. I've been thinking about you so much the last couple of day. Debating whether or not to call. I know sometimes it's best to just be left with your thoughts a bit. Let me know.

Love, Jodi