20 August 2008

24 Hours and Counting ...

(I keep loosing my spacing, and had to put a '.' on the rows between paragraphs - too lazy to figure it out in HTML and too lazy to re-type it - so that is why they are there)
Jessie and I showed up at Richmond State School (RSS) at 10:00 am yesterday. We had an intake meeting with her team - about 15 people including a social worker, psychologist, nurse, occupational therapist, vocational therapist, singing group leader, swimming leader, animal group person (I forget their title - there is are animals at RSS - horses they can ride and care for, and smaller animals they can play with - Jessie is set to work with the animals), and others who I forget who they are - supervisors, leaders of the whole school, the building she lives in (San Jacinto) and more.
Jessie just sat there and answered a few questions, but was mostly Jessie fixating on her new quilt I gave her right before we left for the school. I told her it was for her new bed. She was very excited and called to thank Linda for putting it together (Linda - I did tell Jessie I 'made' it and you put it together - I am not sure she understood the distinction - but I know it is important to you that Jessie know I 'made' it even though I would say that you made it).
When that was done, we were to go over to her new house: a building with 6 bedrooms, some bathrooms a community room - large with 2 tv's - in separate corners, couches, tables, etc, a kitchen with tables - tries to look homey - but seats 18 - so a little 'cafeteria-ish'. Some other rooms - a game room, an entry with a phone they can make calls on, the aides station, an other places - I was turned around and a bit lost - so more rooms that I don't know what they are.
When we got to her room, the said it was temporary. We had mentioned that we wanted to bring Jessie's computer and two other women had computers so they were running computer lines into one of the rooms - a larger room that would facilitate desks better and Jessie would be moving into that room once they moved the other woman out. Her social worker (the one the 'does' everything for Jessie) said the two other women were higher functioning and very verbal and Jessie would enjoy being with them.
But, as I said, when we got there - they indicated a bed in a temporary room. There was no armoire for her clothes and I asked about it. Since I was now speaking to aides, I was not getting anywhere. They indicated that all her clothes would need to be marked before being put away anyway - it is an iron on lable with her name on it - sort of felt 'prison-ish' but I understand it needs to be done. Even her underwear and socks - but she has funky socks and it would be sad if she lost them - she enjoys picking out her socks for the day.
Needless to say, there was no set up. I put her containers of toys and books on the floor and her suitcase ready for processing and her quilt and pillow on the bed. Jessie still had her backpack with her containing her essentials - so I pulled out her woobie, dog book and Ariel blanket and asked her what she wanted to do. She sat down on the bed and looked very dejected.
I was a little panicy since I had not prepared for 'dejected'. Exicted and telling me goodbye and pushing me out the door, crying and asking me to take her home - them I had worked out in my mind - but Jessie is never quiet and depressed/defeated acting. I asked her where her new bed was, and she answered 'here'. I asked here where mommy and daddy lived - and she said 'home'. I asked her where her new home was and she said 'here'. So she seemed to have a bit of a grasp on the situation. I told her that I needed to go and she quietly said 'I know' - which was very hard to take with a smile on my face. I told her good bye as she sat on the bed and refused to go anywhere with her aide. She has a one to one aide for at least the first 24 hours to stay with her at all times and make sure she knows where everything is and helps her. After 24 hours they re-evaluate and see if she needs it to continue.
As I was leaving I realized that I did not bring an eyeglass case and there was no where to set her glasses at night. I could not meet to finish paperwork until after 1:00 and it was only 11:30 and I was feeling very naseous, so I left and got a coke, but kept driving all the way home thinking I would get an eyeglass case and come back. I promptly threw up when I got home. I called the social worker about the paper work and that I was not feeling well and to call me when it was a good time to come back in and finish. She called me back, said she would get Jessie an armoire and nightstand and a case for her glasses, and that tomorrow (today) would be a better time to finish up. It was nothing pressing.
So I did not return that day and had meant to take photos. All I got was the view out of the front of her 'home'. There are picnic tables and she is close to the stables. Every year at Christmas they do a huge Christmas lights display and I hear that the majority of the displays are close by where she lives - so she will really enjoy that.

Jessie's front yard
I called and spoke with the aide station that afternoon and said she was off being evaluated for vocational training. They have contracts to to work - easy stuff that Jessie is able to do and they get paid for it. There is a small gift shop on campus where they can buy thing and every Saturday they go shopping for small items - just to have fun and learn how to purchase items. They said she will be 'working' until school starts next week. They mentioned that if I called after 6:00pm dinner that I could speak with her.
I called at 7:00 and they had been telling Jessie I was calling and put her on the phone. She sounded upbeat and told me that she had been working and had taken a shower. I asked her if she had done it by herself and she said no, the lady had helped her. She said she had picked the polka dot socks. I told her good bye and she seemed ok.
I was up most the night throwing up (I think I have a huge ulcer since I seem to start throwing up at times of stress and when acid has poured into my stomach), so our scheduled time of 'after 10:00am' to come in seemed a bit problematic - so I called her social worker. She mentioned that she had moved her to her new room and she had her armoire and bedside table - so I felt better about her room situation. We can now go see how much room she has and Gary is planning on building a bedroom set that will include the bed (with storage in the headboard), and armoire, a desk and shelves. We just needed to see how much space she had.
I then called the aide station to see how she had done and they said fine. She had showered again this morning, then gone to 'work'. She was back and they asked if I wanted to talk to her. Of course I said yes, but she was down again and repeatedly asked if she could come home. I kept telling her that was her new home and that I would come visit her soon. At least I was prepared for this - doesn't make it any more fun though. I will set up a time to go. The social worker mentioned that I could do the stuff I was going to do by mail - so not going in today. After hearing Jessie - I don't think it would be a good idea to see her for a while anyway - see if she can get her bearings a bit before messing her up and visiting.
So that is all that has happened in the past 24 hours. I won't be as detailed in the rest of her days, but that way y'all know and I don't have to repeat myself over and over.
Headed off to bed for a bit...


Val and Marceil said...

Thanks for sending all this information. I am sure each day she will become more adjusted. This is hard on Dad and I, so I can only guess what you are going through. Tears come very easy to me these last few days (especially reading this blog) but I am sure this is the right thing for all of you and I pray daily that all will be well soon. I have put all of your family's names on the prayer roll at the temple several times and hope that brings some comfort to you. I hope you will soon feel better and be able to get some sleep. Keep us informed and we will call her and send her something (so she can get mail) when you think the time is right.


Jodi said...

Hi Lori,
Thanks for the info. You've been on my mind so much! I'd love to know when I could call or an address when I could send something at times if it's okay. I think when all this settles down and you start seeing her blossom, your ulcers will start to heal too. Tears keep coming to my eyes too, but it still seems so right for her. She'll have some pretty exciting experiences there that aren't even an option at home (especially if your not zoned for horses!) It sounds like a great place and I'm excited to see pictures of it later on. We'll keep praying for the comfort I'm sure all of you need right now.

Love, Jodi

Marci said...

Lori-thanks for the updates. Sorry we have not been blogging lately. We are thinking of you guys and hoping that everyday gets easier. The place sounds amazing! Jessie is going to do so great. Let us know if we can do anything

Kelli Hooker said...

Thank you for sharing your experience. I've read your blog several times each day but too teary to write anything appropriate. I am in awe of your strength and courage. Jessie is brave also and I am excited for her and the new things she'll be experiencing. It sounds like a nice place and we'd love to get the address and photos also. We are thinking about you a lot and the tears just continue to flow. Our love to all of you.
Love, Kelli

Cherri said...

Oh, Lori, you are so awesome. I can't believe that you had to do that alone, because sadness shared seems half as bad. That is awesome that Gary is doing a bedroom set for Jessie, it will probably help her adjust to have some of her dad's woodwork around. Your quilt turned out awesome, and Jessie obviously loves it. When does Ryan start school? Mine started today. I think I'm having a nervous breakdown about having to teach Calculus after 10 years of not thinking about it after taking it before I started teaching, then not thinking about it for 20+ years before that. It came back in 1998, so hopefully it will come back once more! I worry that I will flop badly, and after this year they will very politely tell me to quit teaching! I'm not throwing up yet, so I think you are ahead on the stress level.

Jeff said...

Lori - You guys are awesome!! I know this is so hard... I can not even comprehend... I though I have been through some very stressfull situations or times in my life... Nothing like this or what you go through on a recurring basis through the years. I am excited not only for Jessies new chapter in her life, but for you and Gary's... As you mentioned earlier - every day will be a little bit easier on both sides... there will be setbacks... but expected. You be good - keep your chin up and quit making me cry so much!! Know that you are in our thoughts and prayers constantly. We love you guys so much!! XOXOXOXO Jeff