09 December 2009

Still Breathing ...

Gary called this morning and informed me that I was not blogging.

Yes, I had noticed that I was not blogging - it had not escaped this steel trap mind of mine.

Problem is - a good, simplistic formula for Lori and is she going to jump off the nearest bridge is:

Polite blogging - everything is A-OK.

Blogging like a semi-drunken sailor - not feeling so well, but still functioning.

Blogging like a drunken sailor complete with vocabulary - sick, but enough of an attitude to type something up.

No blogging - I am one of the following:
a) So ill, I don't want to get vomit on the keyboard,
b) so depressed I don't want to let on that I am depressed
c) been captured by pirates

No blogging for more than 4 days in a row, I'm:
a) dead
b) without Internet

So - inquiries have started to come in (thank you) and demands from my husband that I blog - thus magically making everything better.

I actually am not in really bad shape - I have 'crashed'. I often do this after doing something strenuous, stupid, etc. It basically is just getting really sick and all I have found that will make it go away is rest. I generally blog during this unless I am mentally not in a happy place - but I am peachy right now - so no excuse, just sick.

I have been trying to dig my way out of the office and all of that post-vacation paperwork / bills / mail all the while juggling some very cool projects for Christmas (more about them later, OK, and maybe cool, I'll just have to wait and see) and intermittently playing in Photoshop so I won't go nuts.

I decided to make you a blog gift:

Yeah, pick up your monitor and shake it! (Kidding) I made the angel - complete with a crooked halo, then put her in a snow globe - just for you.


Back to digging out ...


Vicki said...

I used to love those snow globes as a kid. Thanks for the memory.

Hope you get feeling good soon!

A.J. said...

Good to see the GIRL IS BACK! Judging by the reappearance of your blog and the lack of profanity, I can only summize that the answer is:
either A. You've spent the last three days washing a soiled keyboard or..
B. The internet died, good to see you back.
Talk to you later A.J.

Liz said...

love my blog gift. thank you. i wish my reason for not blogging could just one time be "capture by pirates"
glad you're just "crashing while peachy"

Kristie said...

Thanks for the blog gift! I was missing you, too. I figured you were just plum worn out from your awesome trip, but it is good to know you are still alive!

Court said...

happy season of angels! glad you're back home and resting.

Jennifer said...

I'm digging myself out, too.