06 July 2008

"Happy Birthday" Jessie

Jessie had a star spangled 20th yesterday. It started out not so early with a haircut – since her hair looked so bad, I would not have taken any pictures if I had not cut her hair first (looking at the photos, I did not improve it much – it is just shorter). Linda and Steve Randall showed up at 11:30 with an Aerial cake and presents, so Jessie discovered at exactly 11:30am that it was her birthday – best not to dwell on these things early with her – and I am a bad mom. Her head exploded then she started opening presents. While this was happening, Gary walked in and she and Charlie’s head exploded. It was getting a little wild and the Randall’s decided to flee (they would not take me with them). We then sang and ate cake, Jessie opened Grandma and Grandpas present (a computer game for her new computer … we hand them down: Lori’s goes to Gary, Gary’s goes to Jessie and Jessie’s, well we are afraid of what Jessie actually does to computers so … not so sure) then we took a bit of a break while Gary and Ryan unpacked and delivered the scout trailer to wherever it lives, Gary unpacked and I tried to lay down while Jessie figured out her computer game.

The next plan was a movie. I decided, OK whatever, I was getting tired, but what the heck, you only turn 20 once, right? So when it was time to go (we saw WALL-E) they all stared slack-jawed and with amazement in their eyes all said ‘Mom’s coming too?’ (I cannot remember the year I last attended a movie with the family … like I said – bad mom). We then went to Chili’s since Gary had not had ‘real food’ for 8 days. I was ‘done’ before we had started so this was just super with me, then off to Target because Gary had some deluded idea that after we put the groceries away, we were going to watch National Treasure 2 with him. I found the movie, Ryan was getting an alarm clock and Gary and Jessie were grocery shopping. With my item in hand, I found a bean bag chair and collapsed until it was time to check out. Got home, got the groceries put away and ‘Silence of the Lambs’ was on. We knew Ryan would watch that, so while Jessie drifted off (after opening about 12 of her princess crap stash) into a full 20th birthday stupor, we watched Hannibal eat people – it was a special evening.

So, I am tired and run down, but Jess had a great day and that’s all that matters.

Jessie and her Ariel cake

Talking to Grandma & Grandpa


Val and Marceil said...

We are so happy Jessie had a great birthday. She is smiling like "what a great day this is". Whose name is on her shirt? Maybe I can't see it all and it says Jessie. Dad wants to see Wally. Was is good or just so--so?


Lori Hurst said...

It says "Jamaica". I got it for her while I was on the cruise with Bonne. It was a good day, I was just tired.