21 July 2008

Flowers & Charlie

Last week I was not feeling well, and Gary did the grocery shopping. He showed up with a beautiful bouquet of flowers. I asked him what they were for (i.e. what had he done?...) and he said that it seemed to be a 'flowers for Lori' sort of day.

He knows I love taking photos of flowers and I had just got a polarizing lens for my camera the day before, so I played.

And since none of you care about my flowers ... here is a photo of Charlie trying to get her frisbee out of the tree.


Val and Marceil said...

I might be easier for Charlie to just play with your flowers than having him run all over the yard chasing a flying disk. Remember, Charlie has feeings too.


Cherri said...

that is some vertical leap! Charlie should be on some basketball team somewhere bringing in some cash with his jumping ability!