02 September 2008

Dear Jessie,

Two weeks ago today I dropped you off at Richmond State School. Looking back, you were much stronger than I was that day, and not because you didn’t understand – I could see in your beautiful blue eyes that you knew exactly what was going on. You were saying good bye to your childhood and hello to your independence. I think you have been ready for this for a while – gauging this by your recent behaviours. I’m sorry that I was not ready to let go, sometimes moms get scared, and stuck and just don’t want to say goodbye.

I have been really proud of you these last two weeks. You have made friends, have become more independent, and seem to be fitting in very well. Everyone loves you – which is the one thing that is not a surprise. After 20 years I have yet to find anyone, if willing to give you a chance, that does not see: you - the real ‘you’, your spirit and joy and love for life that seems to take my breath away sometimes.

When I dropped you off on last Sunday, I freaked – where was your quilt? It’s FREAKING HUGE – how does a place LOSE IT? Why were your clothes not marked yet as they said they would be? Where WERE half your clothes? Where was your woobie? I was upset things seemed to not be in order, but you were perfectly fine with things and seemed to want to tell me to calm down, go home, get some sleep and work things out with Angie later – no biggie. You were fine … me? I did not fall asleep at all that night and felt like kicking puppies all day Monday. My mood swings these past two weeks even scare me – I can’t even imagine what Gary and Ryan think, not to mention Charlie – who I can just tell … knows I want to kick a puppy sometimes…. She has become very good at hiding in closets.

While your evacuation standby to Brenham State School due to hurricane Gustav was cancelled, Gary, Ryan & Charlie tried their best to stay clear and out of the path of ‘hurricane Lori’ yesterday, and why? Why was I like that? You didn’t care, you were fine. I can be very dense sometimes. Gary said he would drop you off from now on – you will like that won’t you? Your daddy can be a very smart man when he puts his mind to it.

One day, I promise I will adapt to this situation as well as you have. I owe you that. I owe you so much and I wish so much I could tell you what you mean to me. This letter will be read, but not by you, sweetie, because you cannot read … and it makes me cry. But maybe just putting it out there: out there with the bazillion other bits and bytes, the ether, or heavens, or the minds of those who read this – it will somehow find its’ way to your heart.
I want to tell you so many things, make sure you are ready for this next stage of your life, but I cannot and I think that is what is frustrating me the most - so much to tell you and being unable to even try.

The funny part? You already, somehow, seem to know….

Take care, my sweet girl, momma loves you.


Sarah said...

I love your blog. I love your family. I love Jessie and miss seeing her smiling face and yelling "Hi Sarah!" at church. When I think about her my heart is filled with joy and light. I can only imagine what it must be like for you right now but your beautiful words bring me clarity and perspective every day. Thank you for being my friend and sharing your deeply personal thoughts on your beautiful daughter.

Val and Marceil said...

Lori: You made your Mom and Dad cry too. We love Jessie and even though we are not in Texas we recognize the heartache and feeling of loss not having Jessie in your everyday life. It is hard to let go, but she is still a part of your life. Someday Ryan will choose to leave home and you will miss his not being in the home. Hopefully he will not be too far away for you to visit -- just like you visit Jessie. As parents we need to be ready to let our children go for they need to "try their wings" and prove themselves as individuals without parental oversight and approval. We missed each of our children as they departed our home and started a new life for themselves. We were sad to see them go, but we were happy to see them grow and develop themselves and become outstanding individuals. It is part of a plan designed by our Heavenly Father.


Marci said...

Hello, it's Marci. Three for three on crying. Don't kick Charlie. Would hate to have to come take her. Gary needs to add more color to his project next time. Hello to all.

Abra Leah Cross said...

Oh, Lori. You know I'm here if you ever need to talk. Tell Jessie I love her and think of her ALL the time!


Jeff said...

Wow... Another tear jerker!! Stop it... I know Jessie is going to just love this new adventure with all of her newly made friends. You and us can still be a part of her life - she just has the opportunity to touch more people's lifes. Time will be good in helping soften the blow... as with anything - it gets better and easier with time. And oh, chicks dig helicopter guys!!