04 September 2008

Funnels, ARD’s, Lost Keys and the Tin Man

Since sleep still eludes me, I thought that I would ‘soldier on’ with my ramblings of a mad woman.

I am on a quest for the perfect funnel. Not that I want one … I NEED one. Rather, I need about 10 – for my Super Craft Saturday Enrichment Activity. I know – it’s just a funnel, but it is complicated … really … and I am too tired to fully explain. It involves diameter, the length of the average clove (or more importantly the deviation from said average), the width of a channel sewn in cloth, the projected patience of a woman on a Saturday morning with a sewing machine and probably π to about 10 decimal places, but I am holding off on the π part till the last minute . Some of these variables are unknowns, but what is a known is that I am knee deep in funnels … orange plastic funnels, metal funnels, funnels made out of cardstock. I am just in a ‘funnel nightmare’ – who knew there could be such a thing?

Distracting me from my funnel nightmare today, I had an ARD for Jessie at her new school. Since the hours of sleep I have accomplished since Sunday night barely gets me out of single digits, I guess it is no surprise that I didn’t realize that Jessie would be at the ARD until Gary this morning said: “Give Jessie a hug for me.” She is looking good – for someone learning how to brush her own teeth, wash her own hair and for some reason wearing some other persons clothing … but it was all good. Like I said … distracted.

She is very excited to start school and the school looks great. She seemed OK coming in with RSS staff and leaving with them, so still adapting well. Me? I’m doing OK as long as I am worrying about funnels – so there you go. You can’t say I don’t have great coping skills.

In the middle of all this, yesterday I went to my doctor, got poked and prodded and headed to Walgreens for a prescription. Came home, got in the house, tossed my keys in the Walgreens bag to better facilitate the dogs frantic demands for her reward for keeping the house free of riff raff, thieves, robbers and whatnot while I was gone. Garbage had not been picked up, my good friend Mr. Amazon had stopped by, and my OCD was in full swing so I grabbed my prescription, stuffed the Walgreens bag in the box, picked up every other piece of garbage in the house and got it to the can … so proud of myself! Ten whole minutes of a garbage free home & just in the nick of time ... the truck rumbled over right after. Thus – making another wonderful distraction: looking for my keys. After walking through my movements I resigned myself to the fact that my keys new address was the local landfill. Got the spares … to go in search of funnels.

Imagine my surprise when I found my keys:

Now, if I could just find that perfect funnel ......
The Tin Man? I discovered Charlie looks SO CUTE wearing the metal funnel – it fits perfectly!


Val and Marceil said...

I just read your blog. Yesterday was a long day at the temple and I don't know if the computor was ever on. I am very happy that you started this blog. I don't do anything but I love reading them when they come in. Keep writing. The pictures are cute. I didn't know I was home sick for Charlie until I saw his picture. Hope everything goes well tomorrow. Let me know what funnel you used.

Love Mom

Marci said...

I hope the crafting goes well. We had no idea that funnels came in so many shapes and sizes! We are thinking of you! P and M

Abra Leah Cross said...

*I* want to know what you are crafting! :)

Val and Marceil said...

I hope you took photos of the funnel presentation at RS because it left us with great curiousity about how they were used. Also we think Charlie would look better with one of those flat-topped politician hats.
