15 September 2008

Murphy's Law

So, it is Monday afternoon, and here is our kitchen:

I look a wee bit ... lazy? Behind? No: superstitious. Gary and I decided that we would wait a bit longer to dump out all our water. Last report we saw 81% of those hit by Ike did not have power, and yes - we are thrilled to be part of that 19%, but every time the power goes out - it is not real stable - we panic a bit. Houston has been told to boil there water, and I am just positive - as soon as we dump all this water - our water supply will become defiled also in some way.

It's about 2:00pm and Gary and Ryan have been gone since 9:00am. The ward members decided to head to an older area here that was hit hard and rove around in packs fixing things. I guess people let them since they have been gone over 5 hours. But ... they will be home soon. They have been pacing the floor like caged animals. During the power outage, I was fine to lay in bed with a battery operated fan blowing on me and read a book. Gary read during intermittent periods of pacing, but Ryan?

Ryan on the other hand, just stared / paced / asked if he could just drive around (no, the news said NO ONE on the roads) / paced / sighed / whined / asked me what he could do. I said: "Read a book, do your homework, go for a walk, make lunch, build Dads legos for his scout merit badge day, go jogging, listen to your ipod, clean your room, pick up your crap in the house, take the garbage out, read the Time magazine you stole from me yesterday, watch a movie on the laptop – it is charged, put the dishes I washed away, play one of your handheld games." "So,” he says "there is nothing to do?" (yes, you could be strangled by your mother …). Ryan did not have school last Friday and now: Monday and Tuesday. With electricty and the internet there is more for him to do, but still - if they stayed out until late Tuesday night, I wouldn't mind.

Jessie is on her way back to Richmond State School today - based on a message I get when I call RSS. It said I would get a call when she was back. It will be good to know she is back and settled. Gary will be in London for a couple of weeks (he is fleeing to London tomorrow ... that pacing, boredom, caged up like an animal thing ...), but I think I can handle getting her and dropping her off on my own one of these days.

1 comment:

Cherri said...

I guess in our 72 hour kits we should have a pad of sudoku puzzles and a pencil, or whatever. Boredom is hard to deal with, especially in teens. It doesn't happen enough in my life to remember what it feels like.
