07 September 2008

Not a Single Funnel Mishap....

Anybody need a funnel? I have a few. The good news is that they worked fine (especially when used with the 'Linda's funnel plunger' - basically a dowel, but 'Linda's funnel plunger' sounds better). All in all I believe the activity was a success. I am 0 - 4 in not burning down the Church during an Enrichment Night (day) and this time we were actually using irons and hot glue guns! I have been told by a few women that they had a great time and that it was wonderful which I attribute less to my skills as Enrichment Leader and my 'Craftiness' than the fact that they got to go home with free stuff.

Friday, at some moment when I was not obsessing about Enrichment Night or actually doing some required work for it - it occurred to me that my GREAT DISTRACTION would be gone at 3:00pm on Saturday - then what was I going to do? I never actually got that far in my head. I had the morning mapped out - last minute asking Gary and Ryan if they would go get some of the craft stuff at Cathy's home and take it to the church. Gary asked if they would need both trucks and I was thinking, well Tiffany Kamp had come an taken the stamp stuff early, so ... probably not. When they showed up he looked at me like I was from the planet 'Understated' since they barely fit everything in both trucks ... but I actually come from the planet 'Can't Estimate to Save My Life' - different galaxies. I had not actually mapped out the areas in the church where things would go since I needed to see the stuff at the chuch (that planet thing), but that went fairly smoothly once the experts arrived and just set up their stuff.

I knew we would have some clean up, but after that? Nothing. Complete blank ... as if the Earth was going to cease to exist at around 3:00pm on Saturday. My distraction may be gone, but the detritus from said distraction is still in my house. I had Ryan take all the boxes and put them in my craft room ... I'm sure there is about a week of avoiding it (as long as I don't have to walk in the room, that is) and about that much time putting stuff away. I came home, made Ryan put the stuff upstairs then just collapsed in bed - I don't remember what else I actually did yesterday ... So - a good two weeks of distractions to look forward to. Gary will be in Phoenix the first week of that and London the second, so Ryan will bear the brunt of any storms that happen the brew.

Gary picked Jessie up for church today. He has a car service that picks him up and takes him to the airport and he needed to be home before church actually ends, so he got her for Sacrament meeting then fed her peanut butter sandwiches and dropped her back off. Thus, we were in separate cars. When I walked in the chapel and spotted them, the first thing I thought was how lovely Jessie looked in the dress she was wearing. I have no idea whose it was, but it was a purple top and skirt and way nicer than what I had sent her to RSS with. Her hair had been cut and you could tell that it had been cut by an actual stylist and not her mother and had been styled that morning so she looked good. She had a sore on her face - like a big scrape but when I asked if she fell, she said no. This is the frustrating part - just so you know - the part were she cannot tell me things I want to know. I will call tomorrow and see if I can find out what happened.

Jessie got to say 'hi' to some people and be loud during the meeting, we thought we would try to do this once a month and see how it goes. Don't know how the drop off went - which I guess is the point to Gary taking her and dropping her off (so I don't kick puppies when I get home), but I am assuming he will keep me informed. She starts school on Tuesday and that will be good. She has enjoyed 'workshop' but will still be doing that in addtion to school once transportation gets worked out.

This sound pretty much like a 'what I did over the weekend' and pretty boring ... just reporting in I guess.


Sarah said...

Jessie did look pretty and it was so good to see her and hear her say "Hi Sarah!" in that excited way she does that makes me feel like I am one of the most special people on earth. How does she do that? I want to be the kind of person who makes others feel that way. I wish it was something that could be taught. Its not though- it's just who she is.

Marci said...

Tell Ryan Happy Birthday. Don't really have a way to get a hold of him.

Marci and Patti

Cherri said...

Just listening to your commentary exhausts me. I also will not complain about being YW president again. Enrichment leader sounds WAY WAY more involved, at least once in a while. Tell me that you don't do super-Saturdays more than once a year, please. That is all our ward is doing. We also have decided to only have enrichment once a month on the same night each time. I think they felt they were getting such poor attendance to all they had going on that they needed to combine to get some actual numbers that sounded impressive. The last book review night I went to there were 7 of us, and that included the three YW leaders who had read the book about the Martin Handcart company for Trek, the discussion leader, the RS president, and two retired ladies who go to everything. (Sounds like the old program, doesn't it? We do have a group that does a playgroup at the church once a week, and a temple excursion once a month on a different day, but all these random groups weren't working for us)


Val and Marceil said...

You still didn't tell us what you did with all those funnels.


Cherri said...

Tell Ryan happy belated birthday for me - we missed it and want to wish him a great year in school. What is he doing for fun - what classes, is he working still, is he doing any extra-curricular, etc. Brag him up, we don't know what is going on!