29 September 2008
Great Parenting ... You be the Judge:
26 September 2008
20 Year Anniversary
25 September 2008
24 September 2008
New Roommates
It went well, and I reminded them we wanted to bring in her computer which meant moving to the room she was supposed to move into. I got a call this afternoon from Angie - Jessie had been moved yesterday.
She then proceeded to tell me (because she was supposed to) that Jessie and her two new roommates stayed up last night and talked, watched DVD's and had snacks (which will not help with her 1800 calorie diet). She was so tired at school, they called RSS to come pick her up. So apparently she is in trouble.
All I can do is smile.....
23 September 2008
And Then, Out of the Blue....
18 September 2008
A Typical 'Lori' Night
Last night I had my most recurring dream - never pleasant, but mostly exhausting. I dream that Jessie, or Ryan or both (mainly Jessie ... like last night) are in a house crying. A big house - 3 stories, a basement and an attic, don't really have an idea of how many rooms. I hear her over the intercom but I don't know where she is, so I start running from door to door. The hallways get longer, the stairs get steeper, I never find her, but when I wake up, in a full sweat: I am so grateful that I am not running and not so scared anymore.
Then I drift off to sleep and it starts all over again. In my dreams, the house changes, in my head I know that the floor plan is now new and I have to start searching the house all over again. I have had this dream for 20 years and years ago I got savvy in my dreams, realized that this was not fair - so I always scream this into the heavens (I'm never very nice about it not being fair that the house changed) and Gary has never mentioned that I am screaming in my sleep - so everything is nice an neatly contained in this strange thing inside my scull. I do this over and over again until I get up and stop the cycle by just staying awake or until the magic of 'morning light' hits my face and I am up for the day. But generally there is an epiphany waiting while I am laying there exhausted.
Last night? I was stupid and did not get up - I was tired and for some reason the little 'post it' in my head that tells me that I would get more rest awake than I would asleep running full speed screaming in strange houses was not on the bulletin board, so forgot. I woke up and morning was here ... and 4 words played over and over in my head: "What have I done?".
This always plays out better when Gary is here, but with him in London, I can talk to him, not like if he is off camping with the scouts and no: 'super cell phone I can get him anywhere in the world ...so far' with him. So I have that, will talk to him in a few hours, after he has dinner and the darkness swirling in my stomach and head will let up a bit, the panic will probably stay. But, what have I done?
This morning, I was thinking of a procedure when Jessie had just been born. She was still at St. Benedict's in Ogden, so before she was airlifted to Primary Children's in renal failure. They were going to do a spinal tap and told me I needed to leave the room. I asked them why? They told me that was just the way it was, and I figured it out. They did not want me in there, because they did not want me to see what they were going to do to my baby. I promised them I would stand with my back touching the wall and not say a word, but if they made me leave I would imagine something much worse that they were doing to my baby. He let me stay !? I guess because they knew Craig I was 'given a break', as I kept my promise and watched, quietly, tears running down my face. I realized that I was out of my league in terms of horrible things they could do to my baby - got better over the years - now I have a whole library - but that was the first time, the time I realized that there were some things that moms just shouldn't see - but me? I WANT TO SEE THEM. I need to see them. I NEED to know what is happening to my daughter.
And now I am in the same situation, but they politely escorted me out of the door and said to call any time and they would let me know how she was doing. They say she is doing fine, but do I believe that? No, they would say that no matter if she was begging to come home every ten minutes. The problem is ... I need to know she is still asking to come home so I can help her, but I have no information - just good news and I am suspicious. I need them to stop telling me what I want to hear and be honest. She stopped calling. Has she given up, or are they just not dialing the number any more? How am I supposed to know? She can't tell me. Which scenario is more pitiful? I really don't know.
Yeah, I am in trouble here, but it will pass. There is a small part of my brain that is still logical that is whispering that this 'Jessie panic attack' will pass, the bear will stop chasing me, the feeling that I have done something horribly wrong will go away and one of these nights, when I dare let myself fall asleep ... I will get some sleep.
But, I'm waiting for Gary to get home before I even think of going to bed again.
And I KNOW that's nuts.
16 September 2008
It has been 4 weeks since I dropped you off at Richmond State School. All in all, things have been fine - but only because I was 'blessed' with so many distractions, and the people you live with have been so kind to keep me informed. They love you dearly and wish they could clone you. You have adapted well and so I have not had to worry about you at all - just me. I am slower to adapt than you, go figure.
When I dropped you off, daddy was gone, and since his job is to keep me sane ... I thought huge problems would arise. But, I did pretty well for those days, because I was too busy preparing for my Super Craft Saturday - which went pretty well - and that is based on the fact that the church is still standing and not a pile of smoking rubble.
I was pretty worried about what would happen after the Craft Saturday, since I thought I would have nothing to do but think... And before I could get all worked up? I was preparing for a hurricane! You didn't do that did you? Cause, I really could have done without all the fuss, and hysterics and the blowing and crashing and man, I gave all 3 of our air conditioners hugs today (I had said I would ...) - it is hot and humid down here!
I tried to call you last night and you were asleep. It was 6:00pm? They said you didn't want to get on the bus in Brenham, and they had to sedate you. SEDATE YOU!?! I pictured one of those horrible psychiatric movies where two burly men in white lab coats hold you down screaming while some evil doctor sticks a big needle in your neck. It. Was. NOT. A. Good. Night. Let out some of that pent up panic / worrying / crying / screaming ... probably needed to, but only for a few minutes instead of hours like I should have / would have.
So ... daddy is now on an airplane to London. Yes, I told you that on the phone today and you were sad you could not talk to him. Me? I am sad that I will be batshit crazy by the time he gets home - but not to worry, he can always make me feel sane once he gets home. (The secret?: He loves me just the way I am and does not care that I am batshit crazy ... if he can hop on a plane every now and then ... And for some reason, that makes me less crazy, weird huh?) .
I am sorry your 4 weeks have been so exciting for you - a lot of workshop before school started - and I know how much you love school. Just to have to leave after 3 days of school and evacuate to Brenham - somewhere new and unfamiliar. But, you know what? The only thing I could think about while things were getting 'funky' during the storm was I was SO glad you were safe and did not have to weather this - since you would not understand.
I think the school will be good for you - it will help you become an adult and leave your childhood behind, but now I know - it will keep you safe also.
Sweet dreams tonight baby, mommy loves you.
15 September 2008
Murphy's Law
I look a wee bit ... lazy? Behind? No: superstitious. Gary and I decided that we would wait a bit longer to dump out all our water. Last report we saw 81% of those hit by Ike did not have power, and yes - we are thrilled to be part of that 19%, but every time the power goes out - it is not real stable - we panic a bit. Houston has been told to boil there water, and I am just positive - as soon as we dump all this water - our water supply will become defiled also in some way.
14 September 2008
Sunset on Hurricane Ike
We came out just fine - even my plant morgue doesn't look too bad. The boys were bored all day with no power, no air conditioning - with just books and a radio to keep us updated. The radio had said power might not be restored to some areas for 2 - 3 weeks. We were mortified ... and luckily, not one of them. Our power came back on that evening at about 6:00pm.
We were without cable TV or internet, so unable to watch the news still, but just having air conditioning and not losing everything in our fridge and freezer made it seem trivial. Many people, even in our ward and surrounding areas still do not have power - so all the more thankful.
Internet arrived Sunday about 24 hours after power was restored - so now: completely back to normal.
Thanks for your e-mails (got them on my phone), phone calls, concern, thoughts and prayers.
12 September 2008
Hurry Up and Wait
The weather right now is fine - getting a bit windy, but we plan on watching DVD's all day and trying not to kill each other. Then - who knows - maybe we all will be assigned to our own walk in closet - sequester ourselves for survival.
Glad I let Jessie evacuate with RSS - it would have been a mess with her here - especially if the power goes out (I hear it is a when and for how long - but I don't know if I should believe the news people -they seem to be sensationalizing everything).
If we lose power for very long - we will make any repairs that need to be made - then take Connie up on her offer and head to Dallas for a visit. Thanks Dallas Hurst's.
.... Something tells me Gary is not flying to London on Sunday ....
11 September 2008
Lori's Plant Morgue
I have photographic evidence that I have actually kept a few plants alive. But I have to confess ... the pretty pink flowers on the weird spiky plant in the two big pots? I didn't plant that. I saw one little spiky thingy one day amongst the dead plants inhabiting one of the pots and it spread to the other pot. All there was was one pink flower for the longest time. They are weird flowers - they close up most of the day and all night, but when the sun hits the area, they open up for just a few hours. I will have to find out what it is. Any ideas? Here is a close up:
Each of the bud like looking things eventually becomes a flower. Dies a few days later and falls off. I personally think it is my magic statue / water feeder keeping everything alive - I got it just about the same time ...
Ah, well, Ryan just called and said school is cancelled tomorrow due to the hurricane, Gary is flying home tonight instead of tomorrow night ... I guess plants are the least of my troubles right now.
Gota go.
A Typical Conversation ... Now
Lori: Hello?
Jessie: Hi, Mom!!!
Lori: Hey baby!! How are you?
Jessie: Mom?
Lori: What?
Jessie: Where's Charlie?
Lori: She's hiding in the closet.
Jessie: ( a 'Jessie laugh' - also on my top 10 things I miss the most)
Lori: What did you do today?
Jessie: Workshop.
Lori: What did you work on?
Jessie: I did the bolts!
Lori: Did you have fun?
Jessie: Yeah, I work with Carrie Ann!
Lori: Is she your friend?
Jessie: Yeah. Mom?
Lori: What sweetie?
Jessie: Can you come get me?
Lori: No baby. That is where you live now, you are at Jessie's new home.
Jessie: Mom?
Lori: What?
Jessie: Where is daddy?
Lori: He's working.
Jessie: Mom?
Lori: What baby?
Jessie: Can I come home?
Lori: No, sweetie, that is where you live now. Do you sleep with your quilt?
Jessie: Yeah!
Lori: And your puppy?
Jessie: Yeah!
Lori: You are OK, baby, you are a big girl now. Living on your own, mommy is so proud!
Jessie: Yeah ... Mom?
Lori: What?
Jessie: Where's Charlie?
Lori: I already answered that, it's probably time for you to go. What are you going to do next?
Jessie: Have dinner.
Lori: Cool! You have a good dinner. We need to say good bye.
Jessie: Bye mom.
Lori: Bye baby, mommy loves you.
Jessie has not called me since last Friday. I saw her Sunday, so last night I realized that I had not talked to her for 3 days. She evacuated today to Brenham State School till I don't know when, so I won't get to hear her voice for at least a week. I did not realize how much I would miss our phone conversations.
I did not realize how quiet the house would get when Gary is out of town and Ryan is at work and I am more alone than I have ever been. No Disney Channel, no finger phone conversations, no playing with Charlie, no huge belly laughs.
I wander through the house and sometimes I will hear sounds, like echoes of sounds past - ghost sounds ... so I turn up my satellite radio or iPod louder. But still - with the music blaring and rattling the windows ...
I restlessly roam ... lost and wonder how it can still be so quiet?
10 September 2008
Hurricanes, Evacuations and Tornados
07 September 2008
Not a Single Funnel Mishap....
Friday, at some moment when I was not obsessing about Enrichment Night or actually doing some required work for it - it occurred to me that my GREAT DISTRACTION would be gone at 3:00pm on Saturday - then what was I going to do? I never actually got that far in my head. I had the morning mapped out - last minute asking Gary and Ryan if they would go get some of the craft stuff at Cathy's home and take it to the church. Gary asked if they would need both trucks and I was thinking, well Tiffany Kamp had come an taken the stamp stuff early, so ... probably not. When they showed up he looked at me like I was from the planet 'Understated' since they barely fit everything in both trucks ... but I actually come from the planet 'Can't Estimate to Save My Life' - different galaxies. I had not actually mapped out the areas in the church where things would go since I needed to see the stuff at the chuch (that planet thing), but that went fairly smoothly once the experts arrived and just set up their stuff.
I knew we would have some clean up, but after that? Nothing. Complete blank ... as if the Earth was going to cease to exist at around 3:00pm on Saturday. My distraction may be gone, but the detritus from said distraction is still in my house. I had Ryan take all the boxes and put them in my craft room ... I'm sure there is about a week of avoiding it (as long as I don't have to walk in the room, that is) and about that much time putting stuff away. I came home, made Ryan put the stuff upstairs then just collapsed in bed - I don't remember what else I actually did yesterday ... So - a good two weeks of distractions to look forward to. Gary will be in Phoenix the first week of that and London the second, so Ryan will bear the brunt of any storms that happen the brew.
Gary picked Jessie up for church today. He has a car service that picks him up and takes him to the airport and he needed to be home before church actually ends, so he got her for Sacrament meeting then fed her peanut butter sandwiches and dropped her back off. Thus, we were in separate cars. When I walked in the chapel and spotted them, the first thing I thought was how lovely Jessie looked in the dress she was wearing. I have no idea whose it was, but it was a purple top and skirt and way nicer than what I had sent her to RSS with. Her hair had been cut and you could tell that it had been cut by an actual stylist and not her mother and had been styled that morning so she looked good. She had a sore on her face - like a big scrape but when I asked if she fell, she said no. This is the frustrating part - just so you know - the part were she cannot tell me things I want to know. I will call tomorrow and see if I can find out what happened.
Jessie got to say 'hi' to some people and be loud during the meeting, we thought we would try to do this once a month and see how it goes. Don't know how the drop off went - which I guess is the point to Gary taking her and dropping her off (so I don't kick puppies when I get home), but I am assuming he will keep me informed. She starts school on Tuesday and that will be good. She has enjoyed 'workshop' but will still be doing that in addtion to school once transportation gets worked out.
This sound pretty much like a 'what I did over the weekend' and pretty boring ... just reporting in I guess.
04 September 2008
Funnels, ARD’s, Lost Keys and the Tin Man
I am on a quest for the perfect funnel. Not that I want one … I NEED one. Rather, I need about 10 – for my Super Craft Saturday Enrichment Activity. I know – it’s just a funnel, but it is complicated … really … and I am too tired to fully explain. It involves diameter, the length of the average clove (or more importantly the deviation from said average), the width of a channel sewn in cloth, the projected patience of a woman on a Saturday morning with a sewing machine and probably π to about 10 decimal places, but I am holding off on the π part till the last minute . Some of these variables are unknowns, but what is a known is that I am knee deep in funnels … orange plastic funnels, metal funnels, funnels made out of cardstock. I am just in a ‘funnel nightmare’ – who knew there could be such a thing?
Distracting me from my funnel nightmare today, I had an ARD for Jessie at her new school. Since the hours of sleep I have accomplished since Sunday night barely gets me out of single digits, I guess it is no surprise that I didn’t realize that Jessie would be at the ARD until Gary this morning said: “Give Jessie a hug for me.” She is looking good – for someone learning how to brush her own teeth, wash her own hair and for some reason wearing some other persons clothing … but it was all good. Like I said … distracted.
She is very excited to start school and the school looks great. She seemed OK coming in with RSS staff and leaving with them, so still adapting well. Me? I’m doing OK as long as I am worrying about funnels – so there you go. You can’t say I don’t have great coping skills.
In the middle of all this, yesterday I went to my doctor, got poked and prodded and headed to Walgreens for a prescription. Came home, got in the house, tossed my keys in the Walgreens bag to better facilitate the dogs frantic demands for her reward for keeping the house free of riff raff, thieves, robbers and whatnot while I was gone. Garbage had not been picked up, my good friend Mr. Amazon had stopped by, and my OCD was in full swing so I grabbed my prescription, stuffed the Walgreens bag in the box, picked up every other piece of garbage in the house and got it to the can … so proud of myself! Ten whole minutes of a garbage free home & just in the nick of time ... the truck rumbled over right after. Thus – making another wonderful distraction: looking for my keys. After walking through my movements I resigned myself to the fact that my keys new address was the local landfill. Got the spares … to go in search of funnels.
Imagine my surprise when I found my keys:
02 September 2008
Dear Jessie,
I have been really proud of you these last two weeks. You have made friends, have become more independent, and seem to be fitting in very well. Everyone loves you – which is the one thing that is not a surprise. After 20 years I have yet to find anyone, if willing to give you a chance, that does not see: you - the real ‘you’, your spirit and joy and love for life that seems to take my breath away sometimes.
When I dropped you off on last Sunday, I freaked – where was your quilt? It’s FREAKING HUGE – how does a place LOSE IT? Why were your clothes not marked yet as they said they would be? Where WERE half your clothes? Where was your woobie? I was upset things seemed to not be in order, but you were perfectly fine with things and seemed to want to tell me to calm down, go home, get some sleep and work things out with Angie later – no biggie. You were fine … me? I did not fall asleep at all that night and felt like kicking puppies all day Monday. My mood swings these past two weeks even scare me – I can’t even imagine what Gary and Ryan think, not to mention Charlie – who I can just tell … knows I want to kick a puppy sometimes…. She has become very good at hiding in closets.
While your evacuation standby to Brenham State School due to hurricane Gustav was cancelled, Gary, Ryan & Charlie tried their best to stay clear and out of the path of ‘hurricane Lori’ yesterday, and why? Why was I like that? You didn’t care, you were fine. I can be very dense sometimes. Gary said he would drop you off from now on – you will like that won’t you? Your daddy can be a very smart man when he puts his mind to it.
One day, I promise I will adapt to this situation as well as you have. I owe you that. I owe you so much and I wish so much I could tell you what you mean to me. This letter will be read, but not by you, sweetie, because you cannot read … and it makes me cry. But maybe just putting it out there: out there with the bazillion other bits and bytes, the ether, or heavens, or the minds of those who read this – it will somehow find its’ way to your heart.
01 September 2008
Matryoshka dolls
He did a great job and luckily there were no dead bodies of any sort. He piled everything he did not want / did not fit any more in the family room upstairs. So today I was up there itemizing stuff to donate.
Our family room upstairs is rarely used and is where most of my collection of toys that I bought in different countries live. I have a collection of Russian Nesting Dolls. Every now and then, I take them apart, now that we live in Houston and it is more humid then their home town of Moskvá, so that they won't permanently fuse.



No problem at all.