31 August 2009

Ew ... Ew ... EWWWWW!!!!

So, I'm petting Charlie - my good buddy, my snuggle buddy, my current bed mate and I feel a bump on her neck. "Charlie, have you hurt yourself?" as I pick off the scab and plop it on the desk for no other reason than I am gross and disgusting ...

Said scab extends its legs and starts crawling towards me. EWWWWWW!!! It's a tick. ON. MY. DOG. WHO SLEEPS IN MY BED. EWWWWWWWW!

Maybe it is the lateness of the hour, maybe its that phone call I made just Thursday to my doctors voice mail with my blood test results that let me know, yep, sure enough, you still have Borrelia burgdorferi spirochetes swimming around in your blood. Or in laymans terms: Your Lyme Disease hasn't packed its bags and headed to healthier climates ... Maybe its that she SLEEPS IN MY BED. But I have a SERIOUS case of the heebie jeebies right now (flushed the tick and everything ... nope - still creeped out). I seriously feel like things are crawling on me now. So how long is this going to last?

Charlie has had her flea and tick pill - which might just be why said tick was walking in circles and flipped onto its back once during our impromptu photo shoot ... And she had a second dose of something when she got unceremoniously dumped in the kennel on my way to San Antonio on what ever the hell day that was (see earlier post as to reason I have no idea what day I actually went to San Antonio ... um - Oh - Tuesday! I'm so proud ....) so it was not going to do anything to HER. BUT SHE SLEEPS IN MY BED!!!!

EW. EW. EW. It's not like I just pulled a tarantula off her or a tiny garden snake for goodness sake! I think it is my hostile relationship with ticks in general that has me grossed out. Oh, and did I mention ... SHE SLEEPS IN MY BED!!!

I mean I had to grab my camera and snap a few photos:

I believe that is a piece of Charlies neck there in its jaws.




I don't think I'm going to go to bed right this second...


Alisha Oldroyd said...

I got a tick in my head once & was convinced I was going to get Lyme. I'm DEATHLY afraid of them. I'd have the heebie jeebies too. So sorry!!!

Laura said...

I just have to second your




Now I'm alarmed that we have ticks in our neighborhood! I guess they are everywhere, but Charlie's is the first encounter I've heard about. I'm sorry your bed sharer is now freaking you out with thoughts of bug infestation.

Kristie said...

I have now have chills all over my body! Did you have to post the picture?? EW!! My dog had a tick on his neck once not that long ago and I had the same oogy feeling - he sleeps in my bed, too!!

Lori Hurst said...

Yes. I did have to post a picture!

Liz said...

Laurie Stephens recently told me about these olive-sized (and colored) ticks that her childhood dog would get all over his chin. She said they looked just like green olives and they would have to pull them out. The image has yet to leave my mind...and I have yet to eat, or even look at a green olive. Now your Charlie's neck piece hanging from the tick's mouth is in that same memory bank entitled EWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!

Shel said...

Uh, ditto....EWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!! I'm so sorry, Lori! I can see how you have been creeped out, I am! Ick ick ick!

Court said...

And here I was optimistically thinking that was just tick VOMIT. No, it is dog neck. Nasty.

Lori, you may want to do a full body scan for ticks b/c that thing is creepy.

Cherri said...

Could you put a pencil tip in the picture next time so I can get an idea of relative size? Ticks here are about the size of a fairly sharp pencil lead - that one looks MUCH bigger. EWWWWWWWW!

(I do think I had 3 lined up on my tummy when I came home from girl's camp, but I didn't think to save them to inspect later - and they were much smaller looking, unless you really enlarged that pic)