21 January 2013

"Pretty Lady"

My slothfulness in not putting any Christmas detritus away today had a bit of an advantage! The power flickered killing my computer and a bunch of things I was doing, so as it rebooted I got up and walked around.

I discovered that the table stashing a bunch of my Christmas stuff was being hit by evening light (or as photographers call it - "Perfect Light" as it is at an angle and makes everything look AWESOME) so I ran and got my camera.

It was a bit dark and my camera wanted to use the flash thus COMPLETELY DEFEATING the purpose of my taking the photograph. With the flash off it was over a 1 second exposure. Handshake for most people comes in to play at 1/60th of a second - thus the photo would be seriously fuzzy. So off to grab my tripod, mounted my camera and set it to an appropriate manual setting – wasting important time as the sun was moving quickly past the table …

Snapped a few shots of my new tree topper since she was what had struck me as looking so lovely in the evening light.

This second shot I put in my first attempt to purchase a tree topper – which for a 10 and a half foot tree – was ridiculously small! My new ‘Pretty Lady’ is a much more of an appropriate size!

Since all of my crystal ornaments were on the tree when she arrived, none of us dared put her on the tree for fear we would shake one of them off and break it – so she has not been on our tree yet.

Can’t wait to see her next year – we have never had a tree topper before …

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