As per our usual - we got Jessie this afternoon.
Gary and Jess went for a walk last week and I had heard them discussing feeding the ducks and mentioned to Gary that I wanted to go and take photos of a duck feeding session - so we headed out (after Gary and Jessie watched Ariel and made Banana Nut Bread and I rested in bed).
Jessie would not get off the sidewalk and walk down to the ducks to feed them. I think this is a step backwards in her walking skills - or she has had a recent tumble - she kept saying she didn't want to fall, even when I told her I would hold her hand.
So Gary got to feed the ducks, Charlie was tied to a tree and I took photos!
If the photos look weird, or ... off to you - you are not imagining things! I was playing around with some Photoshop plug-ins and I liked the effect - feel free to not like it ...
She seemed to enjoy watching us from the sidewalk ...
Cute duckie!
And doesn't he look ever so hopeful?
This green-headed duck was a good catch - but I think he might have been beaten up by all the other angry looking ducks after we left ...
I know - blurry ...
But he was yelling at us! As the other ducks looked on with disapproval ...
The brown ducks getting ready to pounce on him and beat him to death ...
Cute photo of Jessie.
Not so cute background - hence it is gone ...
Pretty brown duck ... with blue? A navy part on his beak and a tiny brilliant blue peeking out from under his / her (? I am not up to date on duck sex determination ...) wing:
The green-headed ducks are not my favorite - maybe it is that entitlement, superiority and "I'm prettier than you" look that we see here:
Awww! SO CUTE! And look at that humble face (and weirdly crossed white wing tips) ...
I believe he got this one:
Dude is yelling at us again ... all the others are like "Shut up! You are going to piss him off and then he will stop feeding all of us!" I really hope they beat him up after we left - Gary was totally spoiling him - or AT LEAST shun him for a while ...
Still a happy camper up on the sidewalk ...
Done with the bread and off for a walk ...
A Great White Egret - really wanted to get some photos, but NOT WITH HIS NECK LIKE THAT!!!
The trees look pretty good for having gone through a drought all summer ...
Charlie off the leash! I think this is an adorable photo of her ...
One more shot of Charlie - soon after this she jumped in the lake. She is butt ugly when wet so no more photos of the dog ...
Trying to sneak up on the Egret - he was on to me and flew away ...
But went in for a landing pretty close - so maybe later ...
This is a series of shots I titled: "Telephoto Lens" (yes, I know - very CLEVER name ...):
More of the weird ...
A series of shots of my attempts to find "Fall" ...
*sigh* green, green leaves ...

More green ...

Still more ...

Awww! My very own FALL TREE! ONE tree - but doesn't it look .... seasonal?

Hah! He is back! I shall sneak up on him slowly ... *whispers* bend your neck!!!
*whispers* aw, man ... that doesn't count ... do it like you mean it ...
Lookin' like he is fixing to fly off ...
And there he goes!
Makes a turn and heads over to somewhere in front of us ...
And in for the landing ...
And back to his dorky pose ...
One more flight away from us ...
One final landing ...
Lovely red and green ...
Gary walked the dog home while I drove Jessie (we had parked over by the pool). He ride came about a half hour after this and she was pretty good about going. Gary was out in the driveway bathing the dog and she didn't even get upset that she couldn't give him a goodbye hug - so a pretty good day for her!
Sorry about all the photos - couldn't decide which ones to put it and I had made these into a facebook album (sorry for the duplication all ye Facebookers ...) so I just dumped them in ...
Well - it's off to bed ...
to lie there and stare at the wall for hours and hours and hours ...
Just like the last four nights ...
I SO HATE going to bed ...
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