16 November 2012

Round, and Round, and Round we go ...

Mysterious photo:

Any one?

Any one?

Hint - it/they was/were created in our garage ...



Isn't it lovely?


I did?

I said more than one? As in 'boxes'?


Yes ...

That would be an entirely truthful statement:

Of course I wouldn't lie ...

Tell me these aren't just the most adorable boxes (ok, short of my PONY TINES!!!) evah ...

Eeets my baby: So, so very cute ...

Yes - he has actually made more than that set - and they were apparently all just a 'test' pieces - he didn't dare use his 'good' wood until he knew what he was doing. I think I need to break the news to him that he pretty much has it figured out ...

But look at the tops - he did use a specialty wood "Curly Maple' for it and isn't it lovely?

And just playing with shapes ...

The PONY TINES!!! are absolutely breathtaking with their finish on them - next post ...

Ta ta ...


Lori A said...

They are absolutely beautiful!

Cherri said...

I need the one of the lids made up in a poster for my geometry class! I would be willing to take one of his experimental ones off of your hands, I know you hate imperfections and I would be helping you out and all!