12 November 2010


FIBS: Flat In Bed Sick

Man - something hit me 3 days ago in the middle the night - don't know what - but it is extremely painful and barfy. Thought I would update my blog since I have already barfed so I am safe to be up for, oh 10 minutes.

Took a photo of my prison ... then messed around with it because it is something I can do lying down:

Abstract Watercolor:
Grunge, 'After Hours' tint and a border:

Yeah, still looks like a prison, no matter what I do to it.

Have done absolutely NOTHING for 3 days. That water bottle up there? That is all I have had for 3 days - and usually to take something to help with the nausea and whatnot. Oh! Gary did force a regular Coke on me last night - I totally forgot!

This has got to stop - it is no way to live ...

Well - off to bed for I don't know how long. I am hoping I snap out of this soon... *fingers crossed*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope you get to feeling well soon, you're so right sick in bed is no way to live.