15 November 2010



It is just not one of those sorts of days (oh! it has clocked over to Monday ... maybe that is it).

Have been feeling peaked and not up for much. After Church we picked up Jessie ... who, well, without going into details - became something out of the Exorcist. She has not behaved like this since before she moved to RSS so it was rather ... unusual, upsetting, frustrating and well just makes me feel like a grade A shitty mom. Nuff said.

So ... I was in a mood and antsy - didn't want to go to bed ... bad dreams. And that antsy 'Hi, I'm Lori - the shittiest mom on the planet ... who are you?'

So - I decide I am going to ... single handedly ... install Gary's old / Lori's older computer up in my sewing room. I know - sounds like a cinch - especially for someone who once, in college, made a computer out of misc electrical components and a TON of led lights. But you would be OH SO WRONG.

Rule #1 at the Hurst household: Lori is lazy - and will get out of anything she can. So - seriously - I have never put a computer together. I haven't decided if it is because it is beneath me or above me.

Anyhoo ... I decided at midnight that tonight was the night. Since Gary wanted to keep the monitor downstairs with his laptop dock:

1) Disconnect Garys monitor on his laptop dock.
2) Install other monitor on Gary's laptop dock (ooooh, note to self - find the power cord for this monitor or Gary is going to be royally pissed)
3) Haul the monitor upstairs
4) Haul the computer upstairs
5) Haul the box of components upstairs
6) Remember why I let the boys do this
7) Lay out the computer, the wifi, speakers, keyboard, wireless mouse and dongle, monitor
8) Back downstairs, empty the coat closet to find a power strip
9) Start plugging everything in - cool - things are sort of color coded and stuff that makes this ... well ... not that difficult
10) Realize I have only one Norway / USA converter for the end of the power cord - need one for the monitor and computer (as we purchased it while living in Norway it has Norwegian plugs)
11) Scratch my head
12) Find my iTouch and headphones
13) Turn on Lady GaGa's Fame Monster, lay flat on the floor arms spread eagle ... and think
14) Eureka!
15) Go in Jessie's bedroom and steal her monitor (looks pretty good) and has an American plug!
16) Finish plugging stuff in

and ....

step back ...

17) push the power button on the computer

Nothing Happens.

OK, that is not EXACTLY TRUE - the power button is flashing orange.

Take off the cover and mess about with dusty components. Reseat everything.

Push the button again.

Orange flashing light - blink ... blink ... blink ... blink

18) Lay back down on my back, crank up GaGa and think ... think ... think ... think
19) Go downstairs and Google "Dell computer with orange flashing light"
20) Ooops. Discover this means that there is power going to the computer, but that the power going to the computer is not necessarily the power that the computer is currently set to - may have to switch to other power option. Ummm - oh, yeah - Australia - 250'ish so computer is set to 230. Is that what we have here in the good 'ole USA kids? Duh ....
21) Get a screwdriver and flip the voltage selection switch to 115.

Hit the power button ....


22) Monitor works
23) Wireless mouse works
24) Keyboard works
25) Set up WiFi - and miracle of miracles - I actually got all the little thingys screwed in right - WE HAVE INTERNET!!!
26) Log into XMRadio and log in to have music play on my computer



Look at my pile of extraneous cables - and one is green on each end and looks like a microphone jack. I look close and there is a musical note on it. Hmmmm.

27) Look at the back of the woofer - there is a matching GREEN HOLE! Plug in the green cable

One little glitch? I couldn't get the 'blinkin' cover back on. I am thinking this will keep it cooled properly (or Gary will put it on for me ...)

It works, but no one better grade me for neatness:
So it is exactly 1:55 as I type this ...

.... what to do

.... what to do

.... with the rest of this very dismal, dark, discouraging night?


Anonymous said...

Have you considered baking? Nothing too high tech, maybe cookies or brownies, what ever it will take to calm Gary down when he finds out that he no longer has a monitor on his laptop.
Talk to you later ye ole night owl.

Laura said...

I am very impressed. I would have given up at the first sign of problems. Good for you for persevering!

Vicki said...

There is nothing like the high that comes from figuring something out. How I do love success!

Sorry to hear that Jessie is being such a pill.