20 November 2010

Getting my House in Order ...

Well - I am NOT going into the 'Sleep Report' any more. Note that it does not bode well that I am blogging at 5:30 am having just completed an 'exhausting' endeavour: Getting my house in order.

My house? Haaail, no! I don't have to do that until Tuesday morning and then I don't have to clean it - just pick up - Alma does all the rest. Gotta LOVE Alma ...

No ...

This House:Lori's Mental Health house. My house that if it is clean and in order and the world is crashing down around me - it just doesn't matter - because my house is in order ... it makes sense to me.

The house was in a horrendous disarray - what with the great hurricane "Jessie" of 2009 and "The Great Move" (from the shelves we donated to the dresser top) of 2010 - things were in bad shape for Mr. & Mrs. Dollhouse-People and their quintuplets.

Tonight was the night. Partly because of Santa up there on the roof. Ryan will be home next week for Thanksgiving and I wouldn't want to disappoint him.

Got a text from him yesterday (after he apparently read my blog):
"I agree with dad, I want mom to come back. Not this Christmas loving weirdo."

I texted him back and blamed sleep deprivation and that I would be back to my 'bah humbug' old self forthwith. We will get back to Santa in a minute.

Just to assure you all is well with the Dollhouse-People family and their staff:

Three of the quints happily playing in their messy bedroom:
Mom and a quint (they just go by quint - sorry) having a lovely close moment in the master bedroom.

And a shot of the bathroom just because it is so freaking adorable. And note: THE TOILET PAPER ROLL GOES UNDER - like it does in all proper homes ...

A quint helping out in the kitchen with his favourite cook:

NOT ready for Thanksgiving, I see ... that makes two of us ...

Mr Dollhouse-People relaxing a bit and having tea, but with his mother in law pacing the room - a little tense, but he is OK with this.

So - see - no violence here. Ryan and I would set up famous murder scenes after the kids grew out of the dollhouse - the best? Lizzie Borden - got the period house, the bedroom beside the dresser for mom, and the couch downstairs for Dad ... what? OK, so I admit ... I might not have been the most conventional mom ... but Ryan turned out perfect AND can recite details of famous murders ...

Why the dollhouse is still up is beyond me ... OH, yeah that forever child I keep forgetting about - but she rarely plays anything with it but 'Hurricane'. I guess it is just up for me - I can't bear to take it and its box of munitions down - really helps with the rage ...

So - alls peaceful at the Playhouse-People home - well, except for maybe the roof...

BUT! Santa is only holding a pistol! That is VERY TAME for Santa. Just you wait until Christmas comes closer - the shotgun will surely be out, as will the machetes, axes and knives. Go figure - it is just a part of Christmas at the Hurst Holiday Home.

Would so hate to disappoint Ryan ...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Santa's pakin' a 9; must be getting ready to make the run to my neighbor hood. AJ