25 August 2009


So, I am on the phone asking Ryan what he is doing since he is sluffing his second day of a second orientation since as he put it: 'It's so lame' and he pulls out his bread - and screams. It has been chewed into and half of it eaten.

NOT GOOD. And I'M NOT STUPID! I looked carefully in the one I looked at when deciding and then at his again - for droppings - of any kind - nada. So they are not just roaming his apartment willy nilly - I KNOW I have been diligently checking since I am nervous about this new apartment he is in with its funky smell.

I really researched apartments and this is a REALLY NICE apartment! At least if you are judging by reviews and cost (not real expensive, but definately not cheap!) which is what I did. The one I SAW was very nice when I was deciding on what apartment to get. But we don't get that one, we get the one across the way - aparently THE APARTMENT FROM HELL. When we got there, there was a distinct smell of dog urine and so they shampooed. None of us feelt good enough about it to walk on it bare foot. It didn't help so they shampooed again.

Still not good.

So today when I called to yell (I am paying for the apartment so I feel I get to be the one yelling) the totally freaked about the mouse or ... whatever ... and said that they would replace the carpet and the padding as long as all the furniture was out by tomorrow.


I'm off. To drop the dog off at the kennel and on to San Antonio to put all Ryan's meager belongings into his storage closet and his couch in the closet where the washer and dryer would go. It's going to work out, right? RIGHT?

I am not a real happy girl, but was just mooning about staying out of the way of the cleaning lady (which is why I have time to blog) - waiting for her to finish before I go.

Might as well drop off the things Ryan has already identified that he has forgotten.

Pest control is freaking and coming out today also so us not sleeping there will be cool when something goes SNAP!! in the night! And then the entire apartment unit is going to be fumigated or what ever they do on Monday.

FUN, FUN, FUN ....

I'm off to Buc-eys and then to Ryan's ....

Wish us luck!!!

Damn, the dorms are sounding better and better - regardless on if Ryans roomate is a psycho (we don't know anyone so he would just get some random person - weren't willing to chance it) - but now his roomates appear to be small furry creatures - I wonder which one he would pick now ...


Jennifer said...

Damn, that sucks. It's a racket, I tell you. It's going to alright, though. Really really. Good job screaming at them - it sounds gratifying (but then again, I have PMS).

Leslie said...

Way to get results!

Unknown said...

I guess you can look at the bright side: you're not lonely anymore.

Val and Marceil said...

It sounds like Ryan could use a room mate -- a hungry cat.


Kristie said...

Wow, I hope they take care of all of the problems. That stinks!

Cherri said...

I have just the cat! (or rather, kitten). She attacks our feet, a moving hand, my fingers as I type, I think she would nip those furry creatures in the bud! You can pick her up when you come for the wedding, on a "no return" basis. She is Ashley's kitten, so I guess I can't really give her away, but when she made me bleed twice in five minutes yesterday, I was ready.