22 August 2009

This Just Might Be A Record For Me ...

of not posting.

Weird - things have been super busy, done lots with Ryan moving and hubby home, but I normally still take the time - since I enjoy posting - to sit down and whip out some sort of drivel.

But not this week. Realized I have nothing to say - I guess that is shareable.

It was a big week in another respect - Jessie moved to RSS one year ago on the 19th and try as I might - I couldn't bring my fingers to find the words I feel about that. 'Mixed' is about as far as I can go then things spiral out of control - so no letter.

Tomorrow will be interesting to say the least.


Pick up Jessie.

Home with the Family.

Ryan drop off Jessie on his way out of town.

Me drop off Gary at the airport.

And then I drive home ...

... to what?

A psycho dog and a seriously empty house. I am not feeling very good about this and more than a we bit depressed so things are going to be bit bumpy for a while.

I would have just laughed if 15 months ago someone walked up to me and said: "On August 24, 2009 you are going to wake up in your house entirely alone, and the next day and the next and the next."

I am fine with how things worked out.

Don't regret any of it.

But saying it and living it are two very different things.


Sarah Davis said...

I found your blog through someone else's. You probably don't remember me, but I worked with Jesse in MB YW before you moved out of the country. We were all sad when she left. I love your writing and photography; you've got a talent with both. I'm trying to learn photography myself, so I like it when you explain the process you've used.
Even though our four kids are still home I miss them when they're at school for the day (Well, I don't miss them every day). Finally their rooms stay clean longer, but I miss their energy. Can't have it both ways, I guess. Good luck adjusting...

Lori Hurst said...

I DO remember you! Thanks for your kind words about my writing and photography I always feel stupid writing down what I did, but it seems like cheating not to say how I altered a photo - I am glad someone doesn't mind!

Thanks also for you words of encouragement with my new phase in life ...

Kristie said...

I was wondering why you weren't on the blog scene lately. Glad to have you back! Have a good day with your family today - enjoy them while they are home. Love ya!

Rhonda said...

I've been worried about you--the one post I can always count on being updated every day, or more! Aren't these life adjustments fun!? I'm loving my quieter house--granted it's only 6.5 hours a day........

Jennifer said...

Wow. That really is a strange thought - alone with a psycho dog. Don't forget about the bird soap opera outside the window!

I enjoyed seeing Ryan at Jeffrey's court of honor yesterday. I dig the facial hair.

I look forward to many many posts this week. No pressure.

Cherri said...

I can send you a crazy black cat, or better yet, you can pick it up when you come! She is very funny, but when she is bored she starts biting fingers, back of arms, ankles and feet, wrists. She has a knack of finding tender spots. I try to entertain her, but don't always find the time. You could also have a dozen jobs for the asking by advertising your skills as a photographer/editor or blogger - or could take classes to bring computer skills up to date, or volunteer at the high school - you have so many talents that you haven't been able to share due to your committment to Jessie.

Vicki said...

Okay, so you can tell I don't read the blog in order. It's a stack to me - most recently written first.

I totally feel your panic.

I was reading something just recently on happiness. It spoke to me.

Pursuing Happiness
By: David G. Myers

I liked the phrase:
For happy people, time is "filled and planned," says Oxford University psychologist Michael Argyle. "For unhappy people time is unfilled, open and uncommitted; they postpone things and are inefficient."

I'd say - try a plan. What will you do each hour in the day?

I've also thought of volunteering as a Hospice person. I'll let you know how it turns out!