27 February 2009

A Letter to my Blogland Family ('Cause Liz asked me to)

Eight months ago Wednesday (the 25th) I created a blog. Fresh off a trip with extended family, the purpose of the blog was to share photos since I didn’t want to burn disc’s for everybody.

Two days later and exactly eight months to this day, I received a phone call that turned my life on end. I was notified that Jessie was accepted at Richmond State School and that she would be going there to live. This blog morphed into something quite different. It was a place for me to rant, to worry, to scream to the heavens that I didn’t know what I was doing. Pretty much an on-line freak out.

This worked out fairly well as my family was not swapping photos, and writing is very cathartic for me. Then one day at church someone said “I love your blog”. Oh. My. Gosh! People were reading it? I don’t even remember giving out the address. And then again: “I love your blog.” And just like that a small family was born and my world expanded around me. A group of women who coalesced into something wonderful, something supportive - something extraordinary.

In the past, my struggles have mainly been a lonely affair. I am not big on friends – don’t know how to make them, don’t know how to keep them - thus no support system (except family) to see me through tough times. But now, I feel I have friends who, when I am having a down day and vent about it on my silly blog – will post a comment of support or just love and turn my entire day around.

2008 was a tough year, but I am thinking – if I thought it was hard having Jessie move out … I can’t even imagine what it will be like when Gary does the same thing. As I think of the day he is boxing his stuff and his closet becomes all but empty:I see a huge hole of panic, loneliness and fear appearing, but as I continue the scenario, I see that hole filled up with kind words and support from my Blogland Family.

I am not alone any more, and that has made all the difference.

Thank you.


Liz said...

That is the best damn blog letter I have ever read. I read it through some tears. Thanks for writing it for us.

Leslie said...

Tears here too. Behind you 100%!! Love you through all the crazy too! Thanks for the sweet letter.

Carol Beck said...

i feel the same way about our little blogging community! we are all there for you whenever you need us!

Shel said...

That is a great letter.. you write so well. I know I'm only a contributor via comments, but I still love you and everyone else in the little blogging group so very much!

Alisha said...

Ditto on all of that up there!

Cherri said...

You are okay and are so strong. You will make it through your tough times and make us all laugh about them on the way. Anyone who can make me laugh at a picture of dead frog skins has a true talent for joy.

Laura said...

Thanks for the letter. It's amazing how important all of the blogs I read have become to me. I feel more of a connection to you and the others who blog. It's great!

Jennifer said...

You know how God works in mysterious ways? Who knew that he was such a blog fan!

Court said...

Blog high five!