15 February 2009

In Honor of President's Day:

Note: No animals were harmed in any way in the taking of this photograph as they were already dead.

Court: This is for PETA (and Tess was only kidding about the staple).


Laura said...

Hilarious! The resemble to George and Abe is uncanny.

Seriously, Lori, I see a great line of greeting cards in Tess and Harriet's future! I'm already looking forward to St. Patrick's Day!

Laura said...

That was supposed to say "resemblance" not "resemble". It's after 10:00. What can I say?

Laura said...

How come poor, no-armed Rodney never gets to be in pictures anymore? I guess, now that you have two toads with arms, he's not good enough for you. He was okay when he was all you had, but too bad for Rodney - toads with arms are better.

I'm sorry if I've made you feel guilty, Lori. But, it all seems so tragic and unjust.

Lori Hurst said...

As soon as we get a limbless president, I will be sure to put Rodney in the photo!

Actually I had just mentioned to Gary that Rodney was sitting over here on his 'Girly Perch' (which is a place of honor, I might add) looking all dissaprovingly at me and muttering under his breath - so your not the only one that thinks this is tragic and unjust.

I PROMISE to include Rodney in the "St. Patricks Day" Photo!

Laura said...

Well I'm glad Rodney is complaining also. I will be waiting to see him in your St. Patrick's Day photo.

FYI - All of our presidents have had two arms AND two legs, so Tess and Harriet aren't really an accurate portrayal either.

Court said...

Pure comedy. Political correctness is highly overrated.

One quick question: Is "George" perched on a set of pink post it notes? While the cotton ball wig affords him a measure of pomp and glamor, that extra height is working wonders for imposing a sense of leadership. Excellent staging.

Lori Hurst said...

Yeah, post - it notes. Harriett complained that George would not be propt up on 'pink' post-it's but I told her to shut up, I wasn't going to swap them for the yellow. Needed the eye-contact thing which is apparently quite difficult with dead animals and googlie eyes.

Whew! Being a photographer is hard: the diva models, those complaining they didn't make the 'cut' (ha ha ha ha ... Rodney - cut! ... nevermind) and all those who cannot appreciate the depth of my 'vision'....

Lori Hurst said...

Ok, it IS late. Apparently I have totally LOST MY MIND. Especially since Gary did most the work on this montage (don't tell him I told you)!

Court said...

OK I am totally laughing OUT LOUD while the rest of my family is sleeping quietly. You are hilarious. And I gotta say, I don't know Gary very well besides a few hellos at church in the hallway, but if he's helping out on the frog props, he also seems totally hilarious. Experts agree that couples should have a hobby together. Who knew your change purses would bring such a bond...and open up a whole new world of frog photography possibilities?

Lori Hurst said...

We belly laughed for over an hour!

I had nightmares again last night so I am avoiding sleep - just you wait for my 'Little Gift for Laura'!

Cherri said...

I think we should have had a Gary look alike in honor of his birthday which is Feb 22 - Happy Birthday, bro

Lori Hurst said...

Well, the Frog Family (do they need a formal last name?) will certainly be throwing him a party, but I cannot see a resemblance in any 3 of my froggies and my guy. Short of pasting a photo on one .... and I ain't kissing ANY of them (... just in case)

Oh, and Courtney, just to clear things up:
Gary is the funny one
I am the crazy one ... works for us!

kimberly said...

The top hat slays me. I still think the frogs are seriously disturbing, but all these staged shots are hysterical.