17 February 2009

As promised ... no froggies:

Pretty much this is how I can be on the computer all day and accomplish nothing (or my definition of nothing). I LOVE Photoshop. So many bad photos .... so little time!

Neither is my photo, but after working them, I think I get to accept a wee bit of ownership:

Ryan, Grand Canyon (Before and crappy camera - not much can be done)
Ryan, Grand Canyon (After)
Church in Prague (Excellent shot, Gary) Before, better camera

After ... so cool! (Better 'shot'! - I am sure I had some dark ones too but not that were such a cool shot - not making fun of Gary's photography skills - he regularly kicks my butt in that arena - and often has to remind me what an F-stop, ISO, etc is)


Laura said...

Photoshop is amazing, isn't it? I need to get that sometime.

Ryan looks so young and cute in that picture! He's still very good looking, but he just looks so young in the picture.

Shel said...

Wow, nice job! I really need to get on my Photoshop Elements and play around since I do have it. I keep thinking I'd like to upgrade to 7 though... I wonder how big of a difference there is between 6 & 7... You really made a big improvement with those photos.. awesome. Makes you think twice about deleting a eh-eh photo.

Lori Hurst said...

I didn't like 6, but then I was not taking tons of tutorials on how to learn it. 7 is great!