25 October 2008

It Fits!!!

Thanks to a very large collapsible suitcase - that I cannot lift - I will be able to clothe myself on the cruise - no worries!!

Bonne will be ever so happy....


Laura said...

I'm glad you were able to pack clothes! Bonne always has such coordinating outfits, she might have been upset if you wore the same thing every day!

Alisha said...

I just realized something... if you're going on a cruise, does that mean I will have to go without your new blog posts for a whole week? Or will you be blogging on the cruise?!?!

Lori Hurst said...

I'm going to try! I am planning on buying more minutes than I did last time and hopefully uploading photos won't take too long.

Cherri said...

Now how are you going to MOVE that mountain? Wow, you look prepared for an invasion of some kind.