06 October 2008

(Crazy) Bird Lady

It all started while living in Norway. My desk faced a window and I had a beautiful view of our deck and yard full of trees. One day, I saw the cutest birdhouse, and had to have it. I placed it where I could watch the birds feed - as I found out - all year round. I was smitten.

Unfortunately my Norwegian bird house met its demise one day when a huge gust of wind sent it flying off the deck.

Found a bird house for our new Texas home one day at a fair and promptly set it up - outside the window in front of my desk:

My most exotic visitors are two parrots - Julio and Pedro - yeah, I named them. They have wonderful conversations ... complete with Spanish accents and, of course completely in my head. That's when I started wondering if I am one of those creepy 'bird people'. I am not sure, but I do know that I am a 'bird house person'.

Ryan and I were picking up the corsage for his homecoming date at a florist shop and I found yet another bird house. I had to have it. My thinking was that it matched EXACTLY a bench I purchased in a small village in Norway and they were meant to be together. And, it sort of filled up the hole left by one of my ficus trees that had a branch die and left a gap that I feel is my mission to fill. The nest (complete with the cutest little eggs) did not seem to be enough, so .... a bird house:

I am pretty sure the next stage is me sitting on a park bench somewhere in tattered clothing and a bag of birdseed muttering to myself while tossing food to the birds.

Maybe Julio and Pedro will come visit me ....


Val and Marceil said...

I've heard of the birdman of Alcatraz, but never the birdlady
of Richmond. But if the birds like you that's all that counts.


Cherri said...

That is pretty exotic, to have two parrots come. I just get robins and a few magpie. After the squirrels discovered they could get free food there, and spilled the entire contents, and I had tons of little seedlings sprouting up that looked a lot like some kind of grass in the middle of a flower bed, I gave up. My cat is pretty old now, so she only kills the really slow birds, but still, it does tend to hurt bird relations to have a dead bird beneath the feeder.