22 October 2008

She Said It!!!

Typical goodnights before Jessie left:

Tuck her in bed. Hand her her bo bo.

Mom: Good night Jessie. Mommy loves you.

Jessie: I like you.

Typical good bye at Richmond State School:

Mom: Bye Baby. Mommy loves you.

Jessie: I like you mom.

Theresa, an aide asked me about this. I told her that Jessie had never used the word 'love'. My theory was she understood 'like' and was comfortable with it. I told her it was fine, we understood each other perfectly.

Phone call I recieved from Jessie today:

Mom: Hello?
Jessie: Hi Mom.
Mom: Hi Jess! I was thinking about you!
Jessie: Mom?
Mom: What baby?
Jessie: Wheres daddy?
Mom: At work.
Jessie: Mom?
Mom: What sweetie?

Jessie: I love mom.

Mom: JESSIE. YOU SAID IT! Oh my gosh I LOVE YOU TOO! Thank you baby.


Theresa and Stacy said they have been working on it for days. She told me she loved me three times.

And I thought I didn't have anything to say today.....


Abra Leah Cross said...

That is absolutely beautiful!

Alisha said...

That is... I can't describe it with words. It must be the best feeling in the world!

Laura said...

That must have just melted your heart! I'm so glad you got to experience that moment!