11 February 2013

Paradigm Shift ....

... 3 February 2013

It's a happy, joyful day to FINALLY, FINALLY make it long enough through Church to see the RS books for this year displayed on a table right outside the RS Room, all ready and waiting with your name beautifully printed on a label on them for you to identify yours and to pick up as you go in to class.
Seeing the table I remember thinking: “Lovely” as I started looking for my name, and as it WAS the first Sunday in February the pile was rather slim with each and every name showing. All the books laid out in beautiful straight rows.
Hmmm? As I peruse them a third time, and being rather dense I finally, finally realize that my name is not there? My husband was standing near conversing with someone and I turned to him, rudely interrupting and asked him if he had picked up my book?
No, he answered and continued his conversation.
I shrugged my shoulders and continued to where I was heading … sadly, not to RS, but home to rest and relax my back from all the sitting ... it had started to spasm – which means that sitting is no longer an option. And I needed to pick Jessie up in an hour.
I had been SO PROUD!
SO PROUD that I had made through Sunday School – yeah! Something it has been forever since I had accomplished … that seemingly simple task. And yet – seemed so MONUMENTAL to me …
I generally leave Church only after ralphing in the restroom (sometimes with a bevy of little one giggling each time I heaved, or FUNNER YET, sticking their head under to watch me "puke in a bag" ... Dudes, it will be a cold day in Hell when I voluntarily stick my head in a toilet bowl .... just sayin' ...) then practically crawling to my car.
Then make my way home, fall into bed for however many minutes I have to rest, get my stomach back together until Jessie arrives with Daddy and, well – a virtual “Hurricane Jessie” hits until she is happily off in Daddy’s car again with her bag of goodies headed back to ‘her house’.
As I drove home it hit me, and hit me HARD, I was in a whole new world now. The Paradigm Shift had started, it was taking hold … I was being rather dense and this should have hit me standing there blankly staring at the table trying to control the shaking and twitching from the back spasms that generally just makes me look like some meth addict ‘tweaking’ …
But, well – controlling those spasms and twitching takes a LOT of mental concentration … apparently it used up all that I had at the time …
This new world? … ‘This Shift’? I am afraid I have been relegated, shifted, shoved over, reclassified, moved, downgraded, side-swiped … forgotten …
I realized that I must have been placed on the “Inactive” list – thus no book.  I mean – she’s NEVER going to be here to get it … right?  I.  Am.  On.  The.  Inactive.  List.
I always thought that I was on the:
"Being-Too-Ill-To-Make-It-Through-Three-Hours-Of-Church" list.




For the LONGEST time I thought that I was the latter … and maybe, still, I am – regardless. I guess my name can be on a hundred ‘Inactive’ lists and I can still think of myself as really just "Being-Too-Ill-To-Make-It-Through-Three-Hours-Of-Church" but does that make it true?
I think, maybe, just maybe …
 For much, much too long …
 I have been deluding myself …
 Paradigm Shift complete …
Paradigm Shift: Is a change from one way of thinking to another. It’s a revolution, a transformation, a sort of metamorphosis. It just does not happen, but rather is driven by agents of change.
~~ Thomas Kuhn 1962

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