06 October 2011

Facebook Re-Post ... for You-Know-Who-You-Are ...

For those of y'alls (yep I just typed y'alls - please come over to my house and shoot me now ...) who aren't on Facebook (Mom & Dad...) I thought you would enjoy this - so I am repeating it verbatim from my Sunday Facebook post - sorry this is a duplicate for most of the rest of you ....

"Dubai, Dad ..."

Jessie was over (as usual) this afternoon. As she watched her dad pack she asked him where he was going? Gary Hurst told her that he was going to Dubai.

Thinking that his departure was immediate, she kept trying to tell him "goodbye" but her words kept getting jumbled and several times she said "Dubai, Dad"'.

I told her that he was not leaving for an other hour ... but I rather liked her farewell phrase ... so:

"Dubai Gary ... Safe and speedy travels ..."