A photo I took in the Czech Republic in a tiny town called Kutna Hora kept roaming my brain all day:
It is a coat of arms in a tiny church, made entirely out of human bones. In fact the entire ossuary is filled with 'beautiful' objects: chandeliers, garland, chalices - all made out of human bone. Long story involving a half-blind monk, a few plagues, some dirt from the holy land and voila - you have the 'Bone Church' .... but I digress. I am pretty sure it is a particular part of the coat of arms that keeps flashing in my head: the bird poking some dudes eye out:
Seriously - who puts something like that on their coat of arms? Ok, it's out of bone so I am probably not even in the ballpark of weird, but still...
I am not sure what the bone church has to do with my week, but I will go with it. I have a 4 - 6 hour test for Jessie's thyroid tomorrow (I think that is where the bird and the poking might be coming in ....).
We will see how the week progresses - I am kinda curious of what Friday is going to be like (day before her birthday - day 7 of Jessie and me with no umpire - you never know) will let you know - cause I know you all are dying to find out.
Just for fun - one more with my guy and the chandelier, cause, who wouldn't want a chandelier out of bone in their own entry? And just so you can win that $1000 question on Jepardy! Yes, there is, in the chandelier, at least one of every bone in the human body. Now, you learned something new today....