11 July 2012

This Girl Can Be Taught ....

OK - first off, my Doctor's office called me back and said I need to bring the letter in with me since my doctor has TONS of patients with my insurance and has some sort of bulk 'deal' with the laboratory due to volume and the EVER SO LOVELY FACT that they are in the same building, thus just a mere walk down the hall to the "Evil Phlebotomist". They are a bit confused since they have heard nothing of it and it started at the beginning of this month. I am a bit concerned since I have an appointment tomorrow and don't want to drain our bank account by paying 'out of pocket' astronomical lab fees. They said they have another laboratory they also use - and I can use that - they are probably located in Decatur, Georgia or somewhere equally accessible ... because I needed more hassles in my life at this very minute - but truly I am grateful. All day and last evening I was looking for puppies to kick I was so angry - I have calmed down a wee bit and Charlie will actually stay in the room I am in - so I must be behaving myself.

Well, that out of the way - now comes the fun part!!!! A few notes:

1) This is dedicated to Jen since she loves anything and everything gross I put on my blog,  I once titled one of my blog posts "Barfing Photos" but didn't mean that verbatim ... she commented that she couldn't click on it fast enough and was disappointed that I had just piled a ton of photos on my blog and nary a one was of me barfing  - I love her to pieces - but this sort of disturbs me ... but in a GOOD way ....

2) The photos to follow might ... gross you out - I really don't care - I was EXCEPTIONALLY proud of myself for being able to take them!

3) There is really no theme here - I think I just want sympathy that I do not deserve for the huge bruise on my leg from my "oooops I didn't pull back the plunger" session

4) No, your eyes are not 'going'. My legs are not something I care to share on my blog - thus totally disgusting EVEN JEN, so I have blurred them up a bit - so sue me ...

They are pretty much self explanatory so I will just let y'all just ENJOY!!!!

This is my second injection since the Baby Geyser and I have successfully not hit a vein - which is way cool, since it is still rather against my nature to plunge a needle in my leg - and if I pulled back and there was blood in the syringe - I would have to take it out and DO IT OVER AGAIN - or suffer the blood geyser and bruise - right now I am not so sure which I would do when I actually stumble into that situation ....

So ... In closing - life is good - well, in a really shitty sort of way - but I am used to it and I am up and feel good and for that I am eternally grateful. Y'all - DON'T EVER take your health for granted. It is a gift beyond measure and when you lose just a little bit of it, you lose oh, so much more (trips, outings, trips, lunches out with friends, trips, etc).

Just sayin' ....


Cherri said...

Makes you wish you had gone into nursing, doesn't it? That way you would not be experimenting on your own flesh! Kudos for bravery and ability to blog through the pain! Very impressed. Glad you might have a solution to your laboratory dilemma, and glad that Charlie survived without being kicked!

Trips might be one of the main things I would miss too. Steve has been struggling with back pain, so I hear you about how important health is and how losing it can really change too many good things.

Lori Hurst said...

EXPERIMENTING on my own flesh? These injections HAVE STUFF IN THEM stuff that is supposed to help my immune system! It really does not feel like "experementing" it just feels like a chore, a painful, hard chore ...

And I would have been kicked out of nursing school the moment I refused to touch and / or help someone use a bedpan .....

Just sayin ...