29 May 2010

That Pretty Much Sums it Up ...

I was reading a blurb in a Photoshop magazine about a website that would make a word cloud for you (for those of you who don't know what a word cloud is ... mom ... it is a cluster of words where words that appear more often are bigger than those that appear only once). It can make it out of a set of words you paste into it, a document or a website.

So ... of course ... I plugged in my blog. It only uses what appears on the 'first page' thus giving a pretty good snapshot of my most recent mindset ....
It is called Wordle.net. Go have some fun!!!


The Sullengers said...

Now I'll be addicted - thanks! I love it!

Vicki said...

That is so neat! I tried (from Kim's) to make it work, but it complained about not having the class files it needed. I'll have to try it again from home.

Anonymous said...

Lori, It's Memorial Day and I wanted to say Thank You to your brother. Hope you have a good day. Later.AJ

Lori Hurst said...

Thanks AJ. I have been flat in bed for 36 hours and hadn't made that connection yet ...

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear you're down, things did seem a bit quiet in Texas I was beginning to wonder. Hope you're feeling a little better. Take kiddo. Talk to you later. AJ