25 February 2010

Life in the Sane Lane

Yes, folks, that is where I find myself these days! Very cool, yes? The hours are not counted down by very noisy ticking clocks in a very quiet, still house, there is someone who makes me come to bed and makes sure I stay there! I have not had this much sleep in a long time! No more talking to myself ... or, rather ... not so much talking to myself ... No psychoblogging - that uncontrollable need to blog twice, or three times / day. It has been awhile - and I feel as if I need to catch up ...

I know, you have seen the photos, but I did not get to properly 'blog' about them and thus - they are back!

I'm loving these guys - we refer to them as the 'No Evils' in honor of See No Evil, Speak
No Evil, Hear No Evil, but we will have to call these guys 'Contrary No Evil' (ProEvil?) since, if you look close enough (not something Gary did before purchasing them and bringing them home) you will see that they are not covering their mouth ... more like a shout out. They are not covering their eyes, rather shading them to get a better view. They are not covering their ears, but cupping their hands behind them, as if to hear better ... naughty, naughty, naughty!!!
"The Contrarians"

The masks are wonderful and Gary said he had about one thousand to choose from - a daunting task, but did well. Notice Mask #1 (or Larry) - his beard fades into a duck - I am not sure if that is the intention - but it is clearly a bird ...

Mo is just wonderfully delightful! I love him!

Curly is just fun! Notice the seashells for eyes - gives him the lash look!

And my little gems that I didn't show you last post - JEWELRY. Wooden, hand carved Jewelry!

What's not to like? My husband is getting VERY GOOD at picking out the unique, but still something that I would wear:

And I am really loving the hand carved ginormous heart with the beads ... he did well.

Yesterday, Gary got a 'hankering for' some BBQ, Texas style - so off to The Swinging Door. We were introduced to BBQ like this by my sister - who I tried to call that night. It is always served with sliced onions, sliced pickles and Wonder bread. And I remember where ever my sister had taken us - the lady there cooking stressed that 'It HAD to be Wonder bread'.

Gary and I have totally forgotten how you are supposed to eat this - thus the call to my sister to ask, but she was not home - we are still in the dark ...

Funky building with lots of photo opportunities:

And, finally ... I didn't have enough flowers so had bought me some pretty roses to photograph two days ago. The other night, the light was shining in through the windows at just the right angle in the corner of a room - so I set up a 'photo shoot':

And had a very good time playing:

Day 2:

So - life in the stable, sane lane is going to be, well, a change to say the least! I am enjoying it and having my hubby home ...
Chat with you next ... whenever I get around to it!


Kristie said...

So glad you have Gary home for a little while!

Unknown said...

Most importantly, is the fire alarm done chirping night and day now that he's home?
I love that jewelery! Nothing subtle about it.

Court said...

You'll be pleased to know that my very first job when I was 15 was "bus girl" at the Swingin' Door. It is still delicious and I still eat there. :)