30 December 2009

Angry Owl - Part Deux ...

Went to Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary today - apparently Ryan's number one thing on his list to do was cuddle with a koala:

And, of course, we had to go to the Birds of Prey show. My favorite show - I feel now that I have seen it multiple times that the birds are my friends.

Got more photos of my Number One All Time Favorite Bird (OK, it might be a tie between him and the Very Angry Cockatoo we ran in to in New Zealand) - I give you (don't remember her name)

Angry Owl:

Man, this lady does not seem to enjoy performing! She was on one today - she made this 'face' multiple times - if looks could kill ....
... we would all definitely have been dead!

Was a fun day. Off to Breakfast Creek Park for the best steak in Australia (you remember, the yellow building with the XXXX beer sign on the top)...


Liz said...

Ryan looks great in that pic! And that is the best stink eye (by the owl) I've ever seen in my life! I'm taking notes.

Jennifer said...

LOL at the owl face!! I want it silk-screened on a t-shirt!