10 May 2009

Saturday ...

Saturday we went to 'Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary'. We first fed the kangaroos - they were just laying around - joey feetsies hanging out of some of their pouches.
The birds made for good photos:

Here is the cute Koala I got to snuggle with. She told me his name, but I have forgotten it:
This spot is a keeper - we will probably take all visitors here since it is only 10 minutes from Gary's apartment, They were worth the trip here ...


Cherri said...

Yeah! the weather looks lovely and I hope you are having fun outdoors! (Well, maybe those aren't really your arms!)

Shel said...

Awww, I like the koala, very cute. The birds are so colorful. Nice photos.

kimberly said...

I am green with envy at your snuggle with a koala! So cute, he is!

I just read all your Aussie posts at once, and I'm glad you got to do some fun things while you were there. Too bad the travel is such a bear, because it seems like it's actually fun once you're there.