02 March 2009

Babies part two ...

You will have to settle for an engagement photo if you want to see my face. We had a photographer for this, but we did not (if I remember right) have a professional photographer for our reception. Also - I hated my hair ... from the front - it looked good from the side so that was the photo I was playing with. And I just broke my vow to never show my face on my blog!!! (As if I am even remotely recognizable!)

I like this photo because doesn't Gary look a wee bit terrified?

This is the other one I was working on:


Alisha said...

That is ADORABLE. Seriously. And yes, it is so recognizable. Gary has changed way more than you have!

Lori Hurst said...

See, and I can't see that Gary has changed all that much!!! Although being married to me would definitely not help with the aging process!

Shel said...

I love these photos! Aaron (my 11 year old) was looking over my shoulder at my computer while I was looking at this post and he asked for a second... "who is that?" then he quickly said "oh, that's Brother Hurst!" Aaron Rocks!!! Y'all look fabulous in these pictures!

Jennifer said...

Really gorgeous! Yeah, Gary has the deer-in-the-headlights thing going on, which is en"deer"ing (could not resist).

Lori Hurst said...

Gary said yesterday that Aaron was his hero!

Court said...

You look like Jane Seymour from "Somewhere in Time" in this photo. Awe.some.