19 April 2012

Suicide Lane ... and apparently "I'm Back" ...

Just a little preface: I am giving up and admitting defeat on the 'No Blog' thing. SO wanted to share this with y'all and really thought that I could figure out how to insert more than one photo in my 'Status' on Facebook if I looked hard enough. Just post these lovelies, write a line or two and be done with it. I have spent the last 2 hours scouring the web Googling: "multiple photos in Facebook post" and short of becoming a Facebook developer and doing it all in what looks like HTML - it is impossible. Well, that's what all 250 links told me. Anyone out there who knows how to do this - easily ... I would love to know

So, with a huge sigh I 'undeleted' my blog - BECAUSE YOU SO WANT TO SEE THESE PHOTOS! You can thank me later ...

Suicide Lane

I know, I know - this title might set some of you to fretting all over again about the state of my mental health - but TOTALLY NOT ABOUT ME! Y'all might STILL be worried about my mental health after reading the post, but I just HAD TO SHARE ....


Yes, people, lizards are JUST DYING TO GET INTO OUR HOUSE.

I have no idea why this is the case. It is a good house, I like it - but looking at it from a lizards point of view, I am a bit baffled. There is the dog, and dust bunnies, and no insects to eat (quarterly pest control). It is a mystery. After getting in, they somehow wander around rolling around in those dust bunnies and slowly starve to death. When I find them, they are just crispy, flattened, bits of dog jerky.


I give you our back door, and the:

"Lizard Suicide Lane":

What would posses a lizard to, when our door is open, run to the crack and strategically position themselves to be squashed flat?

Maybe it's some sort of game of 'Chicken' and these dudes are the losers ...

And what would be the fun of blogging about suicidal lizards without some CLOSE-UPS!! Yes, this is how exciting life is here at the Hurst home - I'm taking photos of dead lizards ...

Seriously, y'alls! TOTALLY popped his eyeballs out! HOW COOL IS THAT?

Gary saw my photos while I was here 'blogging' and asked me if I had cleaned them off the door? I totally went all 'girly' on him - said no and ... ICK. Told him he was the man with all the scrapers and it seemed more like a "Garys Job" than one for little ole me ...

And I kinda want to see how many we can stack up. I'm thinking it is sort of like my stuffed Cane Toad collection - just not as portable ...


Laura said...

Welcome back! And what a fantastic welcome back post!

We have a detached garage. Every time I leave my garage (through the small door made for people) I see the front half of a lizard hanging over the top of the door. Apparently we smashed him dead up there a couple of years ago, but because he's in the garage, no one has bothered to remove him! He's kind of become part of the scenery now. I should probably take his picture...

Rhonda said...

Glad you're back! This post made me chuckle. Parker really misses his lizard and gecko friends from Texas. I, quite frankly, don't.

Jennifer said...

Guess what? I now have my own computer again, so I will most likely be bloggy again. You may rue it.