07 August 2011

Sigh ... Not in this Lifetime ...

Can't sleep.

This "BlogPress" app is dangerous for a struggling insomniac ...

Well, to be honest, my entire iPad is dangerous when I am a little too ill, a little too much in pain, a little too much on my mind ... it is a little too easy to pick up my iPad and escape to ...

Far away lands ....

News around the globe ...

Other people's lives ...

A tutorial on 'How to do ...just-about-anything-you-can-possibly-think-of ... ' (And I WANT TO KNOW!)

And always, there's:

An App here ...

An App there ...

Here an App ...

There an App ...

Everywhere there's another App ...

Yes, I am an App addict, and in the wee hours of the night ...


How they make me forget, how they help me not pay attention ....

To the fever ...

To the chills ...

To the pain ...

To the things I shoulda, coulda, woulda done had I not been in bed all day ...

To the time ...

And, in a mere blink of an eye (plus a few thousand swipes of my index finger) daylight starts filtering in between the slats of the blinds, and I realize that I have lost the battle .... again.

Sure, I passed the time, and sometimes that is all there is ... all there can be. But that is not an accomplishment, by any means ... that is merely getting by ....

Success is measured in deep, sweet, pure, undiluted sleep. I realize how hard it is to just TRY and get some rest, but again, I have taken the easy way out and amused myself to ignore

The fever ...

The chills ...

The pain ...

The things I shoulda, coulda, woulda done had I not been in bed all day ...

Instead of the work it takes to fall asleep. The relaxation exercises, the concentrating beyond the pain and the woulda, coulda, shoulda's ....

Well, that's how it more often than not goes down. As I glance up at the time as I one finger type this to the soothing sound of the duet of snorfles coming from Gary and the dog, it is only 2:53am ... still time .... still a chance.

So I will actually, start what I was going to say ... quickly (hah!) and wrap things up. Don't know where all that blathering above came from ....

There I was, merrily "app'ing" my way through the night ...

Stumbled across a new app - it take your photo and does a complicated sort of bleaching process to it. Was liking the results:

When I noticed that Trey Ratcliff had a new app - basically just some of his favorite photos made available in packs to use as wallpaper, or to abscond with and put on my blog ...

Just kidding - he has given permission for others to use his photos in their blogs if he is identified as the owner - which I have done - so no absconding here (all photos to follow were taken by, and are: Trey Ratcliffs) ....

As I open the app and see these photos the full size of my iPad - with such color and detail, I sigh ...

Yeah, THESE are the HDR photos I was writing about in my "HDR" post. Have you seen anything as beautiful? (If you are in the mood to have your breath taken away, just click on any of the following photos and see it full size ... hmmmm .... if my iPad app that is letting me generate this post in bed has loaded them full size! Guess I will figure that out tomorrow ... er, later today ...)

Thus my title - don't think it is going to happen in this lifetime for me! Going to have to enjoy others HDR photography for now, and keep on trying ...

Maybe one day ...

3:04 - I'm gonna memorize every inch of that first photo of Trey's and let it relax me right to sleep (OK, THAT and a sleeping pill ...) ...

Wish me luck ...

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