30 June 2011

Oh ...

Had my Urology appointment today.

Doctor: "Hello, how are you?"

Lori: "I'm confused"

Doctor: "Excuse me?"

Lori" "I'm probably the most confused 'kidney stone patient' you will ever meet."

Doctor: "Probaby not - what has you so confused?"

I proceed to tell him what has happened in the last 5 days - with me - now - having no pain and me - now - having not 'passed' a stone. I told him I was confused, had I passed the stone or not, I never felt myself peeing out a rock ...

Doctor: "You don't feel yourself 'peeing out a rock' - you probably won't feel anything."

Lori: "What!? I was told in the ER when it is time to pass it ... ie 'pee it out' that it would hurt like the dickens, but to just 'push through the pain and go for it'."

Doctor: "The ER people are idiots. They don't know everything about every little thing ... so they make crap like that up."

Lori: "Wha?"

Doctor: "Seriously, for fun. By definition 'passing a stone' is the stone moving from your kidney to your bladder in a teeny tiny tube - it hurts. Once it is in your bladder you are generally home free - the tube from your bladder ... out - is way bigger and generally you don't feel like you are passing anything. So, I think you 'passed the stone' already. Let me go look at your CT scan and I will be right back."

Lori (alone): "Whoo Hooo!" Fist Punch "IT.IS.OVER!!!"

Doctor: "I have looked at your CT scan and checked your urine. There is no sign of infection anymore, that is good, and based on the size of the stone (2mm - I KNOW! All you hard core 'Kidney Stoners' not very big ... but hurt like hell! I am a baby.) you have probably passed it like I said."

Lori: "GREAT! So I am done! This is great news - thank you - I have just been in a


mode and it is no fun."

Doctor: "Well there IS another stone in the right kidney ..."

Lori: "Excuse me?"

Doctor: "Yeah, another stone ... on the other side. Have you had any pain on your right side?"

Lori: "Shi..., no."

Doctor: "Well, give us a call when it starts to pass."

Lori: "Um, OK? Thanks?"

Lori (in elevator): "Well, ... crap!"

Waiting ....

Waiting ....

Waiting ....


Vicki said...

That is insane! Hope it passes quickly.

Cherri said...

Crud! I wonder if bladder problems are catching? Ashley called before her trip to Pittsburg with a concern about a UTI that was severe, I ended up going to doctor in Mississippi the day I arrived with one, and you had one. Coincidence or someone's idea of a joke? Probably has to do with hot weather and not drinking enough, or just being out and about and not drinking enough. Good luck! Did the doc indicate size on this second one?

Martin Andrews said...

Crap indeed!

Kristie said...

I am a baby, too. I had a tiny stone and thought I was going to die!!! I hope for some miraculous reason, you don't have to feel the new one.