Sarah asked me in a previous post, probably tired of seeing the phrase 'purple tree' what they were called. I googled 'purple trees in Brisbane' and sure enough, wiki came through: the Jacaranda tree: explained in depth with photos: here.
That being said - I was sitting in the City Cat yesterday - I had decided to take it to the end, it ending at the University of Queensland, turn around and get off at my stop. At the last stop, a lot of people got on and a lady sat down by me. I prefer the premium seat - outside in the front and there is room for about two people. She turns and says something to me and I reply - which hearing no Aussie accent asked me where I am from - totally confusing her with 'Texas' 'cause I don't talk like a Texan. She was curious why I was there which segued into my husband living here and me over half the time and just bumming - so she started telling me things that I could do around the city. It was very helpful HAD I A PENCIL AND PIECE OF PAPER being basically brainless.
About halfway through our conversation, there was a beautiful tree I had to take a photo of and told her I just loved the tree and aren't they just beautiful? She asked me if I had been to the lake at the University of Queensland to see all the Jacaranda trees? (I heard her say Jacaranda but forgot - thus the google). I told her 'no' and she said I 'had to go'. My feet hurt, I was hot, and tired and wanted to whine to her 'BUT I WAS JUST THERE!' But didn't.
Rolling over this morning I started cursing a perfect stranger and Gary, curious what had me 'possessed' asked me what was going on. I told him of our conversation and that now I felt like I had to go. It is good I didn't just go and try to wing it - would have never found the lake on the huge sprawling campus - but had googled a map and walked right there this morning.
She wasn't kidding. Jacaranda heaven. I am having decision making issues so I just vomited all the photos I liked into this post - didn't even take the time to make them into a slide show. It was a beautiful walk and a beautiful place - I think you had to have been there ....
So ... that's it folks ...
I'm all Jacaranda'ed out ...
Brisbane has beautiful purple trees! Thanks for letting me travel there vicariously. :)
Those really are beautiful trees. Thanks for making another trip to the University. I know you took those photos just for us, right?
I imagine that's close to what heaven must look like.
Wow! Amazing.
Those photos were so beautiful I can't believe they are real - just like a beautiful fantasy of a painting.
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