But now, I am avoiding taking Ryan to buy glasses (cleaned my closet ... PIN A STAR ON MY FOREHEAD!).
I saw a 'meme' on Kimberly's blog or what ever 'blogs' are called at her site and liked it. I am quoting Kimberly here:
"And now, a meme lovingly purloined from Michelle.
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words
Post ten of any pictures currently on your hard drive that you think are self-expressive.
It must be like we're speaking with images and we have to interpret your visual language just like we have to interpret your words.
They must ALREADY be on your hard drive - no googling or flickr! They have to have been saved to your folders sometime in the past.
They must be something you've saved there because it resonated with you for some reason.
You do NOT have to answer any questions about any of your pictures if you don't want to.
You can make them as mysterious as you like. Or you can explain them away as much as you like."
End of Kimberly's explanation. And, one - I am already confused and two - I already cheated.
One - at the end it says that you can explain them as much as you want - since there are no captions I believe she means in comments. I think.
Two - since I have lived a bazillion years longer than Kimberly - I couldn't reduce my photos to 10 and did 20.
Also - a side note - I am liking 'meme's - I am going to decide that memes are not 'tagable'. Last tag I played - no one played along AND I REALLY WANTED TO KNOW WHO HAD BEEN IN HANDCUFFS! Thus - no playing along - just me wasting time.
Existing photos that best represent my life:
I love all of your pictures. They are all wonderful. I especially love the one of Jessie standing at the window.
I double clicked on the photos to make them bigger. At the end of the web address it says something like "alone on a cruise" or "hospitals". Did I discover the secret names?
The one of Jessie at the window is one of my favorites, too. Beautiful!
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