19 April 2013

Right Back Where We Started From

I was sooooo happy to be home! When was that? A day ago? Two? Its all intertwined in my head and I don't know anymore ...


Got it ... there is a reason to keep those 'Discharge Papers'! Arrived home Tuesday around five in the afternoon. I felt fine, happy to be somewhat mobile, a fresh outlook on the days ahead.


We had dropped off my prescriptions on our way home. Gary was headed to the store for groceries and would pick them up after shopping. He arrived with my bags of meds and I was done - other than setting up two Dr appointments and begging someone to take me there, I was set.


For about twelve hours ...


Apparently all those meds coursing through my veins when I arrived home was deluding me into thinking that I was fine.


I was not fine ...


Not even a little bit ...


Around three in the morning I was right back where I was when the seizures started.



This was not a good thing.



While puking in a garbage can and feeling like I had a very, very bad case of the flu, I realized that my ever present headache was rather severe. This caused me to panic a bit and to try to keep a few pills for nausea down.


No go ... whenever I tried to take anything - within a matter of seconds I was violently ridding myself of it. This was not fun.


On Wednesday, I lay in bed freezing, yet soaking wet from sweating. This was not fun.


My migraine had grown to monumental proportions ... I could not move, talk or - well - basically breathe without a thunderous response and more dry heaves.


Gary had got through to my Doctors office requesting a prescription of either Zofran or Phenergan suppositories. They said they would call it in and Gary picked it up on his way home from work. This was not fun ...


Since we knew that getting my meds in me - and KEEPING my meds in me - was the most important task at the moment - this was all I worked on.

This was not fun.


We discussed when do we head back to the hospital? I didn't want to wait for seizures, but I was tired, and any movement seemed impossible so I just tried to sleep.


On Thursday, my wonderful friend Linda took in my prescriptions for morphine and had them filled. I had worked out a system for trying to keep my meds down.


Phenergan suppository ... Wait one half hour ... Drink one half cup milk ... Wait one half hour ... Take meds ... Cross my fingers and use every trick in my book on not retching.


This did not work, but I was able to stop my heaving and did not lose much. This was the first time I actually got my meds in me. It was Six O'Clock in the morning on Thursday ...


After one hour I was pretty sure that my set of meds was staying down and so I took the rest. I realized that my headache was a bit better - I breathed a sigh of relief, rolled over and fell asleep. Now THIS was fun ...

So ... my days are built around swallowing a couple of Zofran tablets ... Wait one half hour ... Drink one half cup milk ... Wait one half hour ... Take meds ... Cross my fingers and use every trick in my book on not retching.


So far, so good!


This evening Gary noticed my bruises and mentioned that it might be a good idea to take 'Before' photos in order to show he was not beating on me! Lovely ...





So .... Hopefully I will get to mail - I sorta, kinda have not gone through the mail since my fun filled taxi ride home from my doctors appointment. Which was a month ago ,,,


This is not a good thing ...


16 April 2013

I'm Home!!!

My goodness was that EVER SO MUCH FUN!




Made me wait a bit longer than I was happy with, but soon the paperwork was done, My Prince Charming had arrived and all that was left was a quick twirl past the Business Office for my John Hancock ...

This does NOT look like a business office ...
But since this is in view:

I'm not complaining.

Aaaand we're off!

The Carriage awaits!

A quick ride home and I transfer from one bed to another ...

Using my Super Duper Scooter - I actually shouted out that I LOVED it and that I had MISSED it so ... All the while scootering to the back door ...


Got my wrist 'Finery' off just by slipping them off - that would have been good to know earlier ...


Gary brought me in a big ole mug of my Crystal Light drink and I am in heaven!


When I got in the truck for the drive home, I told Gary that I remembered the seizures and then I remember them taking my clothes off in the emergency room. Absolutely NOTHING in between.


I was rather uncomfortable with this ...


I asked him if I was in an ambulance? Yes.


He told me by the time the ambulance arrived, I had had two more seizures. They needed to get me on a stretcher, but when they asked me to sit up or help, I sorta just flopped around the bed - I am so glad no one was filming this event.


This was because I was paralyzed on my right side, but they didn't know that yet. He said they had to carry me out to the stretcher in a sheet since the stretcher could not round the corner into our room and I was being "Little Miss Uncooperative".


I had a few more seizures in the ambulance ...


Somehow I got from the stretcher into an ER bed and then I was lucid again. Fun times. Fun times.


Now comes the icky ... OK, not icky - more like stupid stuff.

At first they thought the seizures were caused by my pain med withdrawal - if you recall, I was heaving my guts out every ten minutes and unable to keep any medication down. It seemed too soon for that, to me - but just let them run their tests.

All seemed normal until the Neurologist looked at my MRI and noticed some swelling. He is pretty sure this was the cause of the seizures.

And the cause of the swelling? High blood pressure. At least that is their best guess. They said it was very high that night.

And the reason for the high blood pressure ... in someone who was taking blood pressure lowering medication? Can you guess?



Yeah - I was not taking it. Bad, bad Lori.

When I broke my foot I decided to reduce the amount of meds I was on because ... well CLEARLY I was off my rocker and I couldn't reach them.

Apparently not being able to reach all your medications does not get you off of the symptoms they are helping.

I admit I am an idiot. And all I had to do was ask Gary to grab them for me.

So ... Boys and Girls - let this be a lesson ... TAKE YOUR MEDS! I know that I will not be making that mistake again ...

Oh! And lookie here all SEVEN of my NEW ... IN ADDITION TO ...prescriptions are ready for pick up! I simply cannot wait ...


15 April 2013

I'm Pretty Sure The Seizures Were More Fun ...

Day Three of "Hospital Incarceration" ...


I am in no way anything near a "Model Patient". I got off on the wrong foot immediately with the doctor - which I highly recommend you NOT do!


A "Code Blue" had started and there was a horrific, noisy bell / whistle combo that was doing my headache no favors. As the doctor opened the door and walked in, the noise was so awful I loudly moaned and asked her if she would 'shut the door'.


She misunderstood what I had said and thought I had asked her to shut it off. She quickly snapped


"That is a Code Blue! Someone is dying! You don't just 'shut them off' - we are a hospital!"


Through clenched teeth, I told her I knew it was a Code Blue (the announcement screaming "Code Blue! Code Blue!" Was a good hint) and that I understood that she could not shut it off. I then explained that I had a headache and merely asked her to close the door so it would not be so loud.


She stood there for a moment - all bothered and huffy, then she walked over and shut the door.


Like I said, our initial greeting could have gone better ...


As for the room, it is wonderfully a single patient room with plenty of room for Gary when he comes to hold vigil.


I gotta say ... I better not smell like this forever. Daily sponge baths are just not doing the trick. I have a hound dog nose and seriously cannot stand myself!

This girl needs a real shower something fierce!

On the Plus side - laying around in bed has done wonders on the swelling of my foot:

This morning I had a fun filled hour of needles and pain - something I am not fond of. They needed a ton of blood for the regular tests and for cultures - so a needle in the top of BOTH hands.

Then there was the IV they placed approximately one inch below my armpit. I DO NOT recommend this placement. Apparently neither did my arm:

They got a new one in after a fun time with a vein, trying to thread in the line and a valve that just would not let them - FUN TIMES!

I do not recommend this either ... In fact I would pretty much not recommend the entire morning. Between labs, finger stabs for blood sugar, shots in the belly to avoid blood clots and a new IV every day - I just feel like one big 'ole pin cushion!

And just when I thought I was semi-presentable ... in terms of grooming and hygiene ... a lady came in to do an EEG which I was mistaking for an EKG and assumed that grundles of electrodes would be placed on my chest.

But no! It is the one where the electrodes ARE GOOED TO YOUR HEAD - WAY more fun ...

When she was finished I reached up for some reason and touched one of the leads. My finger came back with a glob of ... something on it. She told me -


"No worries! It is just really thick Vaseline! You'll be wanting to shampoo that out of your hair real soon."


Oh, my - YES ... Wouldn't that be grand?


13 April 2013

Having a Seizure Was NOT On My Bucket List ...

Having a seizure IS NOT FUN. Especially if you are conscious the entire time.

This is what happened at our house last night. I had been super ill and when Gary asked if it was time for the ER, as I nodded my head yes, I started seizing up and shaking.

I was super scared that I had lost control of my body. The seizing up felt like I was trying to pull my body apart. The actual shaking also had a destructive feel to it.

For comical relief - as I lay there seizing saying in my head: "Holy Crap! I'm having a seizure! I'm so scared! I'm so scared!" Both Gary and Ryan were yelling in my face: "Lori! You are having a seziure!" I cannot remember if they moved on from that to pithy anecdotes and sage advise in the form of

"Keep Calm and Carry On"

or if, at that point they just stood there and stared . But, oh! How I wished I could have got out a "Well, duh" to their initial statements!

I do, at one point remember Ryan calling 911 - so that was good thinking ...

And a minute or so in - the shaking begins to subside, my body only kinda wants to rip itself in two and I sigh the BIGGEST sigh of relief in my whole entire life.

I think I got something totally inane out of my mouth - "Help Me" - comes to mind when it STARTED ALL OVER AGAIN and suddenly I remembered the delibitating fear on my Airline Flight From Hell. You see, knowing what comes next makes it exponentially worse ...

Rode it out ...

And the next one.

By the time seizure number FOUR came crashing in, our Fire Department buddies were there too!

During a break of my Rocking and Rolling they bundled me into the ambulance to take me to parts very well known to me ...

At the hospital it was discovered that I was paralyzed on my right side. It FELT SO WEIRD! They would squeeze my hand and ask me if I could feel it? I would reply "Sort of but that IS NOT my hand ... It isn't even where my hand should be!" All the while staring right at MY HAND ... Right where they were pointing!?!


And when they asked me to move my right hand - I searched and searched for it but it was nowhere to be found so I told them I must have lost it ... I couldnt find it anywhere.


They stopped asking me questions like that ...


Today (Saturday) has been a fun-filled whirl wind of tests ...

and more tests.

Don't even know yet when I get to go home ...

I apologize for all the mistakes - my seizures have rendered me dsylexic ... or brain dead. It is taking me up to thirty seconds to find a letter on the keyboard - now THAT better shape up in a hurry!


DANG! Bad news in the last seconds of the game - Doc does not like something on the MRI or MRA will be a guest here at least another day ....


(at least they have wireless ...)


07 April 2013

Our Two Years Supply ...

In my last post, I mentioned that I had been merrily editing photos for a post when my foot and body decided to rebel.

Today I scootered out to my desk and dumped the photos in a post, then scootered back to bed to finish it ib bed with the Blogsy App.

I felt it was rather appropriate to blog about The Hurst Two Year Supply on Conference day ...

Let me back up a bit ...

We have this routine with Jessie each Sunday. I could try to come up with a nicer, less awful term ... but right now I just don't have the energy. Basically we bribe Jessie to go back to her house each Sunday. Yes BRIBE ...

Oddly, she doesn't even mind living there and always tells me she had fun at "Rachel's house" which is the name of one of her aids - it is what she calls the group home she lives in. But she does like to put on a production, so we started bribing her with a goody bag each time she was here.

This has stopped the production but she has come to expect the "Surprise" as she calls it. She has also started to request things! She has been asking for coloring books which I usually have, but not being able to get to the store, my 'stash' is sorely depleted.

I got on the web and was discouraged with the selection and price of coloring books at amazon so I Googled "cheap disney princess coloring books" and found a FANTASTIC site just chock-full of Disney Princess party favors!

I had a BLAST perusing the site and grabbing anything and everything that I thought Jessie would like and dumped it in my virtual cart. The total was ridiculously low and I ordered it all.

It showed up on Friday and I unpacked it - alternating between squealing in delight and laughing hysterically:

Here we have our ten or so 'Pencil Sets', our Ginormous 'Stickers Galore' packs ... sadly only of Tink and Minnie as the Princess set was back ordered, and the four 'Princess Dry Erase' sets:

Moving along we get to the twenty 'Bitty Princess Notepads', the thirty sets of 'Princess Crayons' (6 to a box ... colors assorted), the ten 'Color Yourself Princess Puzzles', and the fifteen 'Princess Puzzles':

Here is a duplicate of some things and oozing over into the generic portion:

The mailboxes? Ah, yes - those are mine! They were dirt cheap and as they suggested they would make great gifts filled with candy I agreed whole heartedly so I got six in each color ...

I really thought these itty bitty Dry Erase Sets were adorable, and since Dry Erase markers stains are impossible to get out ... I'm super happy that she will be taking them elsewhere!

Thought these 'Color Yourself Puzzles' were adorable online ... in real life Snow Whites crazy eyes are sort of scaring me ...

It also has a little sign saying: "Even more fun when used with Crayola products". I don't think her bitty six pack of Princess crayons are Crayola, but I bet she still has fun ... if Snow doesn't hypnotize her first, that is ...

Um ... Here are the generic markers and crayons. I think there are 48 wee boxes of crayons - I forgot to remove one set when I found a better set, so I am out two whole dollars ...

I don't even dare count the bitty markers ...

I don't have individual photos of the coloring books, the activity books and other things - I DID take photos, but was not well enough to get them 'Blog Ready' and I had enough photos ... so I gave up and used what I have.

The pile is rather small and tidy:

And Jessie Girl seemed thrilled with her 'Variety Pack' she got today:

By my estimation, we have AT LEAST two years worth of crayons, markers and paper of some sort (and all for less than $100.00!) ...

If you add this to my penchant to hoard Post-It's, and notepads if the Apocalypse arrives, while y'all are eating your beans and rice we will be merrily starving to death ...

But we will have the most colorful and princessey journals documenting our demise! And also have something to do while we are dying ...

I call it a win - win situation even if we ARE dead at the end ... we will have had fun getting there ...

And isn't that what is important?

06 April 2013

I Shall Call This: An iPost ...

I was merrily editing photos for a post here last night when my left foot decided to tell me: "I have had enough!" By basically swelling up far worse than it ever has ... then, for good measure, turning a blueish purple.

Wisely, I put myself to bed - only to be wakened in the middle of the night by my body - not wanting to be outdone by a mere foot - whining: "I've had enough too!" And I suddenly realized that I was über sick. I spent the rest of the night lying there shivering and miserable.

Since the Office, my computer and my photos could just as easily be 500 miles away from me and be just as accessible as it is to me now, the post I was working on will have to be finished (if at all ...) at a later date. And because of my 'predicament' I am embarking on an iPad adventure ...

This here Blog Post is iGenerated:

The photos were taken with my iPhone, e-mailed to myself and picked up via my iPad and stored there.

All edits to the photos were done on my iPad using the App: iPhoto and the App: Photogene Pro (sorry iPhoto, but Photogene Pro has masking layers, regular layers and WAY more control ... it kicks your butt).

This post was written using the App: Blogsy on my iPad.

All this from the comfy confines of my prison six foot by six foot living quarters. OK, I will admit that every now and again I scooter ten feet into the bathroom, at great pain to myself ... but waddya gonna do?

Gary had seen my foot and was concerned about it's ominous size and color and asked me if I had been using the cream the doctor had ordered for me from a Compounding Pharmacy (a pharmacy that will mix you up a batch of ... whatever ... in the amounts you specify)? I told him that 1) Calling it a cream was using that term generously and 2) No, the two times I tried it turned into gigantic, comedic messes.

You see, I THOUGHT the doctor said he was sending me a lotion type substance. When it arrived, I pumped the top a few times and proceeded to - what I THOUGHT was going to be: massage it (ever so carefully as it still hurts like the dickens) into my foot. What I discovered was it was a slimy, runny sticky mess.

I immediately grabbed an ace bandage and wrapped my slimy foot up since it seemed to have no inclination to soak in or dry. That basically left me slimed on both hands (and arms ... don't ask). Turning to the disaster on me, I grabbed some tissues to attempt to wipe it all off. This attempt was rewarded by basically turning my arms and hands into papier-mâché art. My only option left was to get on my scooter, sliming it in the process, and go wash up in the bathroom.

This was NOT a process I wanted to repeat (but I did ... once ...) so I had not been using it.

It is sort of a mystery:

It looks all innocent and chalked full of pain relievers, anti-Inflammatories, and anesthetics and, while it SOUNDS wonderful, it is actually an evil sliming mess. Still ... I should be using it.

And it is a very sad shame that it is SO disgusting since I have really, really hurt my left arm compensating for that no-walking thing and bothers me ten times as much as my foot. I would LOVE to slather it all over my arm but the thought of the last time it was 'all over' me is so disgusting I know it will never happen ...

I tried to explain this to Gary (leaving out the papier-mâché art part) and so he - gallantly I might add - offered to do it for me! He grabbed a large sock of his as to not hurt my swollen foot and proceeded to dispense the slime. Using one finger, he smeared it over my foot, then slipped the sock on.

No mess, no one slimed, no papier-mâché art, he is AMAZING!

It does actually numb the crap right out of my foot, so I really should be using it. Right before Gary left for Conference this evening he offered to apply it again. Of course I said yes. THIS TIME he donned a surgical glove first! Is that man a genius or what?!?

Soooo, here I lay, the One-Sock-Wonder hoping that soon the Office is back to an accessible locale, as is the kitchen (it might as well be located in China ...), that I can eat something without first picturing what it is going to look like coming up and deciding if it is worth the risk.

And really, really hoping that the swelling in my foot subsides ... at least to a place it won't scare me. Last night it looked so horrific and disturbing that I, maybe for the very first time in my photography experiences - chose not to take a photo of it ... oh, wait - there was a very large, very dead sea something (not lion, not dolphin ... I cannot come up with its name, even though I can picture it) that my nephew told me to take a photo of and I refused ... but that was more out of respect than disgust so I guess my foot is really the first ...

I cannot begin to tell you how wonderful it is having an iPad, iPhone and Kindle while confined to my prison bed. I don't really know how people stay sane when bedridden for extended periods of time without beaucoup amounts of electronic gadgetry ... I really, really don't. I am pretty sure I would not last long!

Sure - I did that very thing many times over the years past - but that was before I became spoiled. I don't remember how we used to function without our wee tiny portable computers. Thank heavens for the little (expensive) things ...

Well, that is it: my Totally iGenerated post!

It CAN be done!

Y'all - next time you walk from your bedroom to the kitchen,

or go out in your front yard to take a photograph,

or help bring in the groceries (when your wonderful husband has done the shopping for you),

or get a load of laundry out of the dryer and carry it over to the couch to fold,

or unload the dishwasher,

or go out to you car and go ... ANYWHERE

... think about how ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL and MARVELOUS it is to be able to do that!

So simply ... So easily ...

I know that when I am able to do these things again - I will appreciate them, and marvel at my ability to do these things ... for a while, then they will become mundane again as memory dims and I will take them all for granted again.

Isn't that human nature?

Until then ...


03 April 2013

Lori and the Wonderful, Marvelous, So Good, Very Nice Day ...

Today was a VERY   GOOD    DAY!!!

A very good day indeed ...

Not only did I have my "Ãœber Wonderful Good Friend Bonne" acting as Chauffeur again, today was the day I got to see what hardware the Doctor put in my foot!

Of my Insides!!!


I had mentioned in a previous post that I was going to take tape and on my way over to the doctors office, I was going to tape them to a window and take photos.

Which I did!!

I have titled this: X-Ray Garden:

Lovely grass and trees showing up through my bones ...
Not very helpful in actually seeing the x-ray but Ever-So-Cute - don't you think?

We headed over to the doctors office and had more of a wait than usual. I got so bored that I started snapping photos of EVERYTHING.
The buildings have a soothing 'Autumn' color and theme - I looove it!

Yes - I JUST KNEW you wanted a shot of the Waiting Room ...

You're Welcome ...

And I have been coveting this little beauty since I spied it:

Hmmm ... I HOPE it does not wander away someday ...

In someones scooter basket ...

Hidden ...
Under a sweater ...

And then I got to go in and find out the ... news.

I am not an optimistic gal these days, and ever since a Taxi Driver decided to send me flying and slamming into his dashboard, I have been a little worried that I had seriously done some damage.  I was so sure the Doctor was going to tell me that I had damaged his work and that he was going to have to start all over.

I know - being a pessimist didn't come easy for me - it took YEARS and YEARS of training! And now - I just expect the worst and then I am not so devastated when exactly that happens.  This has worked exceptionally well for me for years and years and saved me a TON of heartbreak ... 
And it comes with a built in bonus! Anything better than what I am expecting is a perk!

The nurse displayed my bones and new accoutrement's in all their glory on the lightbox in my room.  Since these do not have trees growing out of them, I chose to use these photos instead of my Tape-Them-On-A-Window-And-Photograph-The-Crap-Out-Of-Them photos:


First photo was looking straight down at my foot:

And a LOVELY closeup:

The view with my foot at a 45 degree angle:

Aaaand the closeup:

My foot laying sideways:


And, of course, the closeup:

He came in and said "Let's take a look."  And wandered over to the x-rays as I held my breath ...
And then he said it!


This was simply not what I expected ...
not by a long shot.

"It looks perfect." he proclaimed


He went on to say that I should continue to do what I have been doing (he probably DIDN'T really mean that since the first time I put on the boot since my last appointment with him was THIS MORNING ...) and then come back in three weeks ...
And THEN ...

... WAIT

I have to calm down ....

Breathe ...

Breathe ...

Breathe ...

With the boot on, of course, but I DON'T CARE -


On my own two feet -


OH, how I've missed you ...
No more trapped in the house ...
No more begging people for rides ...


Now that was really, really the best news possible - I am deliriously happy.

And for good measure - he took my receipt for the invoice of the Prescription Transdermal Cream that contains:

(I actually looked up each of the ingredients listed)
- NO LESS than five - FIVE! - Pain Relievers
- FOUR Muscle Relaxants
- THREE Anesthetics (including Ketamine - KETAMINE!!)

...and a Partridge in a Pear Tree ...

Like I said - he took my receipt (he had asked me to bring it in when it arrived in the mail, but not explain why) and said he would take care of it and I didn't owe anything.

OK ...

Headed out with Bonne and enjoyed some cooler weather and admired the tree I always admire when I am receiving Door-To-Door Service at this location:

And on to home!

We had laughed that the sight my yard has become on the way out so I was fully prepared to take photos when we got back.

With all the rain, and with some SERIOUSLY FUNKY MULCH - we seem to have -  overnight - sprouted our very own Mushroom Farm!

They are growing in lovely little villages all over our yard ... but ONLY in the mulch:

They are THE MOST ADORABLE little villages!

I was taking shots out of Bonnes car with my Purse Camera and it was set to 'Landscape'.  In landscape mode the flash is disabled, and since it was overcast - the shutter speed was rather long and I was a titch bit shaky and thus my photos were pretty much crap.
Most shots were exceptionally crappy - but a few were salvageable - those above, for example, were the best of the best.

What was seriously NOT the best of the best - but Ever So Cool in its own right is this here photo:

It makes a lovely graphics paper that could be used for several things. How did it come to be?
 Apparently I accidentally took a photo while I was trying to position myself to get a more stable shot. Since the shutter speed was so slow and since I must have been whisking my camera through a view of the mulch and grass at the time - I ended up with this!
Most times this happens you just end up with a blurry, crappy shot - but every now and again - purely by accident - you end up with something completely lovely! 

I have a 10x zoom on my Purse Camera with a little more electronic zoom added in for good measure. Generally I don't extend into the electronic portion of the zoom because it seriously degrades the photo, but I wanted to zoom in as much as I could - so these are crappier than the others but aren't these just the CUTEST?

I so wish I were 'mobile' - I would have taken all my Playmobil out there and set up some fun tableau's!

A dude wielding a sword and a mushroom cut in half, picnics under the 'canopy', etc, etc, etc - the possibilities are endless ...
And here I sit ...  trapped ...
I got in the house, said goodbye to Bonne and grabbed my bigger camera and tried to get what I could from the open doors. It was very, very underwhelming to say the least.

Out back we have a few villages that I can see. Here are some hiding out by the back fence:

And DANG! Just think what I could have done with THIS CAMERA from Bonne's car! By the time Gary got home to help me outside with my scooter it was raining ...

Here is a tree in the backyard that, I guess since I could see it - was not as affected as much as the ones that are hidden to me while I am trapped inside my house:

Still ... some little cuties:

Little gangs cropping up all over:

I am assuming that by the time I get a chance to get out there ...
With good weather ...
And the right camera ...
And a spotter ...
They will all be dead and gone ...

Now THAT was the pessimist in me talking ....

But - who knows?

Maybe they will just keep increasing and growing bigger and more beautiful and plentiful and more 'Village-y' and when I DO get out there - I will get some simply FANTASTIC shots!

If my doctor can give me a 'Perfect' today - I am pretty sure I can nab me some pretty photos of fungus ...

Look at me! All optimistic and whatnot ...

I better watch out - it's looking like it might be contagious ....

... and spreading fast!